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August 2013 Update

Hi Friends of Kingston Inner Harbour,

Great Upcoming Summer Events!

Wed. July 31, in Doug Fluhrer Park.
3:00 pm: Turtles and Snakes.
“Stories in the Park”: Sarah Balint will read and tell stories about turtles and snakes and Molly Brant.
Learn how to identify native species and share stories about wildlife you have seen in the park.
Free juice, fruit and goodies from Quattrocchi’s and Sleepless Goat.
5:00 pm – 7:00 pm: Doggie Meet and Greet.
Free doggie treats from Urban Paws and lucky draw of doggie treats to help the Kingston Humane Society.
Come and meet other dogs and dog owners.
Free juice, fruit and goodies from Quattrocchi’s and Sleepless Goat.

Tuesday, Aug. 6 at Confederation Basin.
1:30-2:00 pm: Rideau Canal Voyageur Canoe Brigade Grand Send-off:
We are coordinating a grand paddle salute and sing-along send-off for this amazing group of 70 paddlers from across Canada in partnership with Dugald Carmichael, Events Coordinator for the Cataraqui Canoe Club and members of Kingston’s Community Choir. Come and join us!

Other Current Business:

1) Trail Initiative update:
Two motions were passed in Council on July 16, 2013 that will mean work can begin on the trail segment immediately north of the Kingston Rowing Club.
Problems had arisen when it was discovered that the property actually belonged to Transport Canada, not the City.
Following is a quote from Report No.: 13-252 to City Council.

“Subject: Lease for Emma Martin Park and License for Inner Harbour Trail – Transport Canada
Executive Summary:
Two projects initiated by City departments require land agreements with Transport Canada. The first project is an environmental remediation initiative proposed by the Environment and Sustainable Initiatives Department for a reactive passive barrier wall at Emma Martin Park. In discussions with Transport Canada, it has been mutually agreed that the best approach to benefit both the City and the federal government, as land owners, is to install the groundwater remediation system on the federal lands closest to the shoreline. A lease agreement is being proposed which gives the City full control and responsibility for the installation and on-going maintenance of the works.

With the second project, Recreation and Leisure Services is proposing to construct a segment of the Inner Harbour Trail on federally owned lands north from Emma Martin Park to River Street. For this application, Transport Canada has proposed a licence agreement which limits the City’s use of the site for this specific purpose and which also allows Transport Canada to have other agreements for the property including the existing sanitary service pipes installed by Utilities Kingston that cross the Cataraqui River at this location.”

At this point, we are not sure of the time frame for the above actions to occur. Hopefully soon.
Our thanks to Neal Unsworth and City Staff for working hard on this.

2) Visioning of Douglas R. Fluhrer Park:
Many thanks to those of you who volunteered to help out with the Public Health Unit’s survey of park use under the excellent leadership of Stephanie Sciberras, Physical Activities Specialist. The information gleaned will be useful background for the designers. It was actually fun and informative to be a part of the process. (Who would have guessed that the most common activity in the Marina section of the park was boaters bringing garbage to the Marina’s garbage bin!) The next stakeholder session, following preliminary design creation, is tentatively set for the 3rd week of August. The public meeting that was originally scheduled for September will likely get pushed to late Sept. or early October. More anon…

3) Belle Park Fairways:
At the July 16, 2013 City Council meeting, the following motion was passed:

Belle Park Final Recommendation
That Council endorse and direct staff to pursue Option 3 as detailed in Report No. 13-215 to issue a Request for Proposal (RFP) to contract out operations to a private sector company or a not-for-profit organization to operate Belle Park Fairways; and
That staff be directed to report back no later than the first meeting in September with a timeline for action to pursue an RFP process for Belle Park Fairways.

This means that the Friends of Belle Park, who are applying for not-for-profit status, will be able to submit a proposal for some sort of partnership with the City to manage the community golf course. They have been working extremely hard to try and maintain the golf course as an affordable community asset that is welcoming to all. If you are interested in getting in supporting them, contact Jacques Menard at

4) Integrated Waterfront Plan:
Following up on the Water Access Group`s Shoreline Shuffle event, initiated by David McDonald, we have been working behind the scenes on a number of fronts to try and make an Integrated Waterfront Plan a reality. More anon…..

5) Inner Harbour Heritage Audio-Tour and Map-Brochure – on hold indefinitely:
We did not receive the grant from the Community Foundation for this because I gather the concept was thought too old-fashioned.
We are seriously looking for someone who might be capable of creating a smart app for this. I don`t know how do this.
We have completed a rough outline including timing, alignment, pics, historical info for 30 sites as well as finding audio and graphics contacts who are interested and an anonymous donor who is willing to pick up some of the cost rather than see the project abandoned. A heritage sub-committee has also expressed interest in the project although we still cannot move ahead until we find someone who can create a smart app.
There are a couple of possibilities for grant applications with deadlines near the end of August if we can find someone.
If you know of anyone who might be interested, please contact me ASAP!

6) Hearthmaker`s Park Clean-Ups:
Hearthmakers Energy Cooperative has initiated a new program of monthly neighborhood clean-ups to encourage stewardship as an every-day practice.
They would be happy if you would join them on the last Friday of each month (weather permitting) to help clean up a new neighborhood and make new friends! August 30th Clean-up will be at Hillside Park, sometimes called North Street Park (Montreal St. At North) from 9 – 11am. See you there.

7) Need to work on!
We were somewhat disheartened to discover that the Zimbabwayan Rock Sculpture Arts Camp we had hoped to host this summer in the park turned out to be impossible due to the high costs of park rental and insurance required by the city.
Next year, if they are still interested, we will have to get organized and see what we can do to find something in the way of subsidies.

Thanks so very much to all of you for your continuing support. Have a great August.

Mary Farrar,
President, Friends of Kingston Inner Harbour