Dear Friends of Kingston Inner Harbour,
1. Tannery Tribulations and Positive Suggestion
2. Heritage Tree at Tannery
3. Unnerving Transport Canada Clean-up Meeting
4. Follow-Up on Housing Special Edition
5. Turtle Hatchlings Out and About Now + New Webpage
6. City’s Brush and Leaf Collection
7. City’s Plan to be Carbon Neutral
8. Flood Facts and Sewer Backups
9. New Signalized Pedestrian Crossings at Four Schools
10. Proof of Vaccination and How to Access
11. Police Warn Public of Business Email Compromise Attacks and Recent Rental Scams
12. New Electric Ferries Arrive in Canada!
13. Deep Water Dock
14. New Development at Prison for Women
15. Why Rails Expansion is Good for Kingston
16. New Medical Officer of Health
17. City Partners with Kingston Indigenous for Learning Space
18. Marine Museum’s Dive Against Debris Event
19. Wizard of Paws: Contagious Diseases in Your Neighbourhood
20. Eric Gagnon’s New Book
21. How Amazing Trees Are
22. Rejean’s Wonderful Video of Coyotes in the Inner Harbour
1. Tannery Tribulations and Positive Suggestion
We are quite worried about the current situation at the old Davis Tannery site.
As we have noted in the past, Jay Patry, developer, wants to cut down all of the trees, clean-up the contamination, level the property, cover most of it with asphalt and create four wrap-around style buildings where 1500 or so units will surround concrete parking structures.
Here is a brief history of what has transpired so far taken from Information Report to Council, Sept 21, 2021, Number 21-221:
Timeline of Previous Council and Committee Reports since submission of the Planning Act application
• March 8, 2018 – A Statutory Public Meeting was held regarding the applications for Official Plan amendment, zoning by-law amendment and draft plan of subdivision and amendment to the Brownfields Community Improvement Plan (Report Number PC-18- 021 )
• November 19, 2019 – An information report was presented to Council with a revised development concept for the subject lands (Report Number 19-295).
• December 17, 2019 – Subject to the owner successfully completing the Planning Act approval process, Council supported in principle an enhanced approach to Brownfield funding and waived the requirement for the owner to obtain a Tree Permit and to provide Community Benefits (Report Number 20-002).
• September 17, 2020 – A Public Meeting and Comprehensive Report regarding the amendment to the Brownfields Community Improvement Plan (D09-005-2018) was presented to Planning Committee (Report Number PC-20-058).
• October 6, 2020 – Council approved the amendment to the Brownfields Community Improvement Plan.
• July 13, 2021 – Council approved Brownfield financial benefits of up to $63,888,235 in eligible costs to the owners of the subject lands in exchange for the remediation and redevelopment of the property; approved a by-law to establish the property as eligible to receive future property tax rebates under the Tax Increment Rebate Grant Program and exemptions from up to 50% of development charges subject to a Brownfield Site Agreement; and authorized the execution of the Agreement (Report Number 21-188).
• August 5, 2021 – A second Statutory Public Meeting was held regarding the applications for Official Plan amendment, zoning by-law amendment and draft plan of subdivision (Report Number PC-21-050).
Patry has applied to build 1500 units on the old Tannery land.
The mayor and Council like the idea of developing this land as the units will being in needed tax dollarsand provide needed housing. The proposal is also in keeping with Provincial Policy Statement that advocates downtown densification instead of urban sprawl.
The development proposal consists of four quadrants, each containing a wrap-around style buildingwhere units are constructed attached to and surrounding a central parking structure that is from 4 – 8 storeys in height. Some of the buildings will include first storey commercial.
Because the property also includes a water lot adjacent to the rowing club, the plan is to build a state-of-the-art boat house for rowers in that water lot.
Sadly, this location is precisely where up to 100 turtles bask during basking season.
In December, 2019, Council waived the requirement for the owner to obtain a Tree Permit allowing him to cut down all the trees on the property.
Sadly, a number of large old trees will be lost as well as up to 18,000 other smaller trees.
Because the land is so contaminated, Brownfield clean-up is required. The city approved Brownfield financial benefits of up to $63,888,235 in exchange for the remediation and redevelopment of the property.
This past August, application was made for Official Plan amendment, zoning by-law amendment and draft plan of subdivision.
Because the north-west quadrant is proposed to be built on part of the Orchard Street Marsh which is designated as a Provincially Significant Wetland, problems exist because Provincial law states that no building can occur on Provincially Significant Wetlands. However, there is no legislation regarding contaminated wetlands. Complicated!
To add a further layer of complication, some of the Provincially Significant Wetland is owned by the city and some is owned by the federal government. So, a further question is whether the whole wetland should remediated if remediation is to occur, or just the section where building is planned.
City staff put together a report to Council to try and address these complex issues.
Three options have been suggested:
Option #1: A Municipal Zoning Order
At the moment, City Council cannot grant planning approval for the development proposal without enacting laws that are in contravention of both the Provincial Policy Statement and the city’s Official Plan.
However, Section 47 of the Planning Act gives the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing the authority to control the use of any land in the province by issuing a Municipal Zoning Order (MZO) provided application is made by either a City Council or a Mayor. No public notice is required and the local Conservation Authority must comply. Although application can be made to amend or revoke an MZO once it has been issued, the Minister is not compelled to amend or revoke any MZO or implement any recommendations from the Ontario Land Tribunal.
MZOs have been creating havoc throughout the province as the number of MZOs granted has increased dramatically over the last 18 months. Community members have objected strongly in many instances – most famously in Durham.
Granting an MZO to build in a Provincially Significant Wetland would be a precedent in Ontario and go against the City of Kingston’s stated objective to be Canada’s most sustainable city. It would also go against the city’s stated recognition that we are in a “Climate Emergency” as wetlands and trees contribute enormously to the well-being of the planet.
Basically, implementing an MZO would allow the development to proceed.City staff have assured Council and the public that Council approval would be required to move forward with this option.
Option #2: Remediation Outside of the Planning Process
Here the developer would proceed with remediation following obtaining a permit from the Cataraqui Conservation Authority under Ontario Regulation 148/06: Development, Interference with Wetlands and Alterations to Shorelines and Watercourses. Cataraqui Conservation staff have provided the applicant with a list of requirements for permit review.If and when a permit is approved and the remediation work completed, the owner could then request that the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry adjust the boundary of the Provincially Significant Wetland. Adjustment of the Provincially Significant Wetland boundaries could then enable the application to obtain planning approvals for the portion of their lands that would have been formerly within the wetland and associated buffer areas.
However, as city staff states, “given the high financial risk and uncertainty as planning approvals would not yet have been granted, it is unlikely that the owner would choose this approach.”
Option #3: Leaving the Wetland As Is
This option involves not undertaking any form of remediation in this area with possible consequences such as releasing contaminants into the river.
This approach would require the owner to revise his development conceptincluding relocating the proposed road network, altering the two westerly buildings, and possibly revising the proposed open spaces. Remediation of the remainder of the site (outside of the Provincially Significant Wetland) would still be necessary and would most likely include a substantial portion of the eastern shoreline along the Great Cataraqui River.
If you are interested in reading more on this here is the link:
Given that it is impossible to know beforehand what sorts of problems will arise when remediation is started, perhaps the city could agree to granting the developer his 1500 units with the actual plan to be determined following the clean-up. That would remove the risk. It is our considered option that high rises on Rideau while leaving the shoreline for the turtles and maintaining the Provincially Significant Wetland would be the best option.
Initially Patry, the developer, said that he only builds 6 storey frame buildings as that is what the province allows. However, his most recent plan actually includes an 8 storey concrete parking building in the interior of the south east quadrant. So, if he is happy with 8 storey concrete, then he could possibly build 10 or 12 or 15 storey high rises on Rideau leaving a large section of the property as green space and preserving some of those much loved old trees?
The design could possibly imaginatively emulate the original tannery building design shown in the photo with upscale units in the “chimney” and other cheaper units below. Just a thought.
2. Heritage Trees at Tannery
Rosemary Thoms, an Inner Harbour resident, has taken it upon herself to advocate for Heritage Trees in general but also for a particular 220 year old oak tree on the old Tannery property. Here is a recent letter she wrote to the Mayor and Council:
“Dear Mayor, Members of Kingston City Council and Staff:
I just read the Information Report going to city council on September 21 about the former Davis Tannery Lands and Proposed Remediation of the Provincially Significant Wetland. I am very troubled that the first option listed in the report is the Ministerial Zoning Order and hope that you will reject this option. In a time of worsening climate emergency and nature extinction, to support a MZO to expedite this developer’s plan to cap and develop on a provincially significant wetland would be unconscionable.
I am also disheartened to read, in the section on the heritage oak tree, “that preservation may not be feasible with the current development proposal.” I really encourage the city to find a way to save this tree.This white oak is estimated to be 200 years old, possibly more. It is close to the edge of the development site, and is situated on land that, from the site context map presented by the developer’s own consultant to a public Planning Committee meeting held on August 5,2021, seems to show very low levels of contamination.
The white oak is a heritage tree because of its age and beauty, and because of its rich cultural heritage. It is estimated that it was born in the early 1800’s. It is on land that was part of the farmoriginally owned by Neil McLean (died 1795), and after his death by his wife, and other family. ( Jennifer McKendry— Chronology of North King’s Town, Kingston). Neil McLean was one of the first settlers to Kingston, a leader in the early Kingston community, a Justice of the Peace and a trustee of the Kingston Hospital. (Dictionary of Canadian Biography)
It is amazing to think that this oak tree has witnessed the transition of this area of Kingston from orchard and farm land to industrial use, later in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries with the opening of the Frontenac Smelting Works, the tanneries and the nearby Kingston Cotton Mill. This tree would have witnessed the creation of the Rideau Canal and the building of the nearby Kingston and Pembroke Railway. It has also been enjoyed by countless generations of Kingston children who played and took shortcuts by it, and for years it has been a home, haven and food source to multitudes of birds, pollinators and other wildlife. Today it is loved and enjoyed by those of us who walk by it along the K and P Trail.
Heritage trees like this oak tree should be protected and honoured, not cut down. I hope that when it comes time to decide on the options presented in this information report that you will choose to protect the wetland and the white oak tree— that you will choose the long-term health of the environment and our city over the short-sighted desires and plans of this developer.
Rosemary Thoms”
Others have since become interested in this issue. If you would like more info, or to help advocate, contact Kathleen O’Hara (kathleenohara@yahoo.com) or Mary Louise Adams (mla1@queensu.ca)
3. Unnerving Transport Canada Clean-Up Meeting
Last Tuesday evening, Sept 28 there was a special meeting of the City’s Environment, Infrastructure, and Transportation Infrastructure Policies committee (EITP) where representatives from Transport Canada and Parks Canada outlined their proposals and then Council and community members asked questions. Here is the link to that meeting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q5hiDl0FuFs
Approx 40 community members tuned in and 10 citizens made comments.
Several people have said that they found the meeting disturbing. For many of us, the most unnerving aspect of both the reports (that we have had access to so far) and the meeting is the apparent disconnect between a) research indicating that risk to humans occurs only with “repeated exposure” to the sediments, (e.g. toddlers eating the sediments) or people standing barefoot in the sediments for long periods of time and b) the very invasive clean-up suggestions such as dredging and capping being proposed.
The rationales for this disconnect seem weak and lacking in transparency. Why is this site considered so in need of clean up that it is designated as Level 1 by Transport Canada? Reasons used for weighting the site as “moderate risk” are not clear.We need access to how this risk assessment was determined. Without access to this sort of Information, people become suspicious, wondering who will benefit from contracts of one sort or another.
Here is the gist of what I wrote in a follow-up e-mail to one of the Parks Canada staff with the request that she forward it to all present at the meeting.
i) . It would appear that federal government staff had not read the comments I submitteda few weeks prior to this meeting where I pointed out that the turtle habitat shown on their map was incorrect. They described the habitat as limited to the bay just south of the Woolen Mill. As most of us are aware, it is much larger – extending from the south end of Doug Fluhrer Park up to and including the south shore of Belle Park and Belle Island – in fact the entire area under discussion and more.
I had expected that they would change their incorrect description based on what I had submitted but they had not. Sadly, as a result, the proposed remediation does not match the habitat.
Federal staff alsostated mistakenly that they had been in touch with Turtles Kingston whereas Mabyn Armstrong, former lead with Turtles Kingston says that was not the case.
Because of these serious flaws, I felt obliged to outline for them, again, the actual habitat as well as details about our past research findings re turtle habitat and range.
ii) A second concern is with revetment/rip rap (rocks and stones placed along the shoreline)The purpose of revetment and rip rap is twofold: to prevent erosion and to keep people away from the water. These are manmade solutions that do not occur in nature.
Erosion: More recent research has shown that these old school methods actually cause erosion when rain and wave action loosen soil between the rocks. In addition, they have been found to be dangerous for turtles of all sizes who can get caught in the cracks.
Keeping people away from the shoreline: It is true that shoreline rocks prevent people from accessing the shoreline. Is this really what we want? I would respectfully suggest that revetment/rip rapDECREASES human pleasure. PEOPLE DO NOT NEED TO BE PROTECTED FROM THIS SHORELINE! Getting in and out of kayaks is currently easy as is getting out on the ice with skates and skiis in winter. (Personally, at the age of 81, I have a lot of trouble on my skiis trying to negotiate the large rocks along the shoreline in Anglin Bay.) The natural shoreline in Doug Fluhrer Park is so much better. The reports state that risk to humans from contaminants occurs with ‘repeated exposure” -e.g. when sediment is ingested (such as toddlers eating it) or if people walk barefoot in the water for extended periods. Neither of these occur with any noticeable frequency. Given this, it would appear that the risk for humans should be described as low.
Habitat Enhancement: Federal staff mentioned that geo-engineering could actually enhance habitat. Again, recent research (e.g. the US’s Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is now stating that more natural eco-friendly methods are better than old school approaches.
It was gratifying to hear staff state that varied wetland remediation methods might be feasible for wetlands. Why not use riparian plantings on the whole shoreline? Eco-friendly methods including riparian plantings of different sorts of plants on all four shoreline sections: toe, splash, bank and terrace would seem like a good idea. Hatchlings and small fish need the weeds in the current aquatic eco-system for protection from predators. If dredging occurs the weeds will be removed to their detriment. We are not sure how long it would take for that habitat to return and what sorts of long-term impacts might occur.
iii) “Ad hominem” arguments and arrogance. Staff often referred to their “experts”. But clearly some of their experts made mistakes such as the incorrect description of turtle habitat. Many of the community participants have graduate degrees and are not easily cowed by “experts”. Especially disturbing was when we were told weneedn’t worry our “pretty little heads” reading long scientific reports. Unbelievable!
iv) Lack of inclusion of reptiles and amphibians on their diagrams of six types of Inner Harbour creatures. Odd given the prevalence of turtles! The response given was that insufficient data was available. We are not quite sure what this means. At least some mention of this issue is warranted.
v) Incorrect assumptions concerning human use and shoreline “potential”. Staff mentioned that the shoreline had not reached its “full potential” for human use. WE STRONGLY DISAGREE! We believe that full potential as a Nature Park is currently fully realized. Staff made mention of possible swimming potential. I have been snorkeling looking for turtles. It is difficult to see more than 2 feet in front of you due to the weeds and floating plant material. The weeds are prevalent and prickly – definitely not suitable for swimming.
As we have observed over the last 10 years, park uses include walking, dog-walking, cycling, sitting and relaxing in nature, feeding ducks and geese, family picnics, painting on the legal art wall, bird watching, bird surveys, guided nature walks, educational events about Inner Harbour habitats, fishing (catch/release, being aware of the danger of consuming), small water craft use including canoeing, kayaking and rowing as well as winter sports such as skating and cross-country skiing and boating uses, especially those associated with Metal Craft Marine and the Kingston Marina.
THE SHORELINE IS A WELL USED NATURE PARK. Changes in use seem extremely unlikely. The report does not include any description of uses, past, present or future. At the very least, some broad survey of community use is warranted before suggesting improvements.
vi) The danger to humans is overblown possibly resulting in inaccurate risk appraisals. The reports state repeatedly that the water is clear, that only the sediments present risk to humans. Risk lies in “repeated exposure”,as in toddlers eating the sediment or people walking barefoot for hours. So when a weighted assessment tool was created, it would appear that a large percentage may have been given to human risk rather than to other potential risks resulting in an overall assessment of “moderate risk” requiring invasive clean-up methods such as dredging and capping. We would like to have access to the weighting formula that was used -to make sense for ourselves whether or not it seems valid.
vii) Problems with stakeholder outreach Staff stated that they had reached out to current landowners and a few groups that they had heard about but that it was UP TO THOSE WANTING TO BE INVOLVED TO REACH OUT TO FEDERAL STAFF to be included. As far as we know, Indigenous outreach currently includes Akwesasne and Tyendinaga and the Belle Island Caretakers Circle. However, given the number and variety of urban Indigenous groups, this seems sadly lacking. We will have to spread the word through our networks to Indigenous groups as well as other community groups. We don’t believe this outreach should be our community responsibility although we are willing to step up.
viii) Over 850 species have been listed on inaturalist by local community members for Belle Island.This does not include aquatic species. We wonder if federal staff is aware of this rich diversity. We also wonder how the aquatic eco-systems could be replaced given the current proposal. It would be both informative and essential to have a detailed description of the aquatic species in various locations within the Inner Harbour before any work proceeds.
ix) Issues of dredging and capping processes were not addressed effectively.Problems exist with mixing surface contaminants with more deeply buried contaminants. Research has shown that there is a problem with mixing those levels even with the simple placement of dredging equipment before work begins. And what about park usage during the clean-up? So many trucks going to and fro causing disruption to park use both by humans and species such as turtles. And what about the dangers inherent in transporting contaminants and the locations where the contaminated material will be dumped?
x) Issues of disruption to Metal Craft Marine’s businesses were not addressed.
xi) The comparators used as models were not really comparators in terms of site characteristics.
In addition, no mention was made of projects where decisions were made not to proceed with dredging for environmental reasons such as the Lachine Canal in Montreal.
xii) It would appear that a less complete form of Impact Assessment is being proposed. As so many complex issues exist, we feel that the fullest form of Impact Assessment should be used.
What I forgot to address in my e-mail:
The deformed fish issue: In the original RMC/Environmental Sciences Group report there is a disturbing picture of a deformed brown bullhead. The report states that although no precise relationship has been determined between such deformities and the presence of contaminants it is highly likely. When this question was raised at the meeting, staff said that there was broad scientific evidence showing relationships between polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and deformities and that the presence of PAHs in the Inner Harbour has been documented.
Three things to note: First, although it is not a scientific study, local fishermen state that deformed fish are also commonly found in Lake Ontario. Second, research has shown that deformities are more commonly the result of things like bacteria, viruses and pharmaceuticals entering the water from storm sewers than from PAHs. Third, most of the fish that people eat are only in the Inner Harbour for a month or two. More work needs to be done on these relationships, especially as the storm sewer entering the Orchard Street Marsh is a concern.
The possible ongoing sources of pollutants issue: We need to have a better understanding of what enters the Inner Harbour from storm sewers and from natural underground water systems that might continue to pollute after the proposed major clean-up takes place. In addition, the proposed development on the old Tannery property could possibly createnew sources of pollution. This remains an unknown. If sources like these continue to pollute, the 70 million dollars of tax payer money should not be spent – at least not until these other existing and potential sources are dealt with.
4.Follow-Up on the mid-September Housing Special Edition
i) Received from former Councillor Pat Hodge:
“There are many community concerns and housing has always been the most important one, I think. When I became a councillor in 1980, affordable housing was a platform point for me. As a result of John Gerretsen’s (mayor at the time) Task Force when it was clear that developers were not going to be building affordable housing and the trickle down theory (which had never worked) was dispensed with, I made a motion to set up a Municipal Non-Profit Corporation and somewhat to everyone’s surprise, the motion passed. We had some problems along the way with CMHC but ended up getting their attention by going to meet at CMHC and (my idea) walking in with the lollipops from our lunch still in our mouths. I do believe that sometimes one must be outrageous! We also found that the amount for Kingston multiple unit (mups) costs was too low to allow anyone to build. I knew other communities were in the same boat so I made a motion that we contact all Ontario municipalities with a population over 25,000 in that regard and we got an avalanche of letters and as a result our mup was raised to a realistic level and 400+ units of social housing were built on Rideau St., Patrick St. and Cassidy Street. There hasn’t been any appreciable increase in social housing since then.
I had been hoping that the last Mayor’s Task Force on housing would have some teeth but that did not happen. Thanks so much for your continued efforts.”
ii) And Chrystal Wilson drew attention to this very serious problem that I sort of brushed over:
80% off market rents aren’t affordable to those with OW/ODSP/OAS incomes. The term “affordable” should not be used for the kinds of units the city is creating.
iii) A group of 5-6 individuals was moved by the piece and are getting together to discuss what they can do as individuals to help. If you and a few friends are interested in doing something also do contact me and we can try and figure out some ways to proceed.- inverarymary@yahoo.com
iv) Mayor Paterson’s view on housing:
v) Inspiring source of information on what can be done by community.
vi) Finally, we are hoping to take newly elected MP Mark Gerretsen on a tour sometime soon.
He has stated that Housing and Climate are his two greatest concerns and he is interested in going on a tour. We are anxiously awaiting word from his office.
Here in his words:
“One of the most important things for this riding is affordable housing and housing affordability. I heard that loud and clear at the doors, that we need to do something to make sure that the proper measures are in place for people who are looking to purchase housing,” Gerretsen said. “More and more people are on the housing waiting list with the City of Kingston, the federal government needs to continue to do its part to provide supports to municipalities in the province to build affordable housing. That would be one of the major ones.”
5.Turtle Hatchlings and Link to New Turtles Kingston New Webpage
Please be on the lookout for hatchlings in the Inner Harbour and elsewhere. Depending on the weather they can still be hatching through October. If you see a hatchling in a precarious situation do move it out of danger and a bit closer to the water.
Also, the fall turtle activity you are seeing can be them moving with the fall weather. They sometimes travel quite far to reach suitable hibernacula. They do use the lake shoreline all around Kingston
Turtles Kingston is on Facebook but also has a new webpage.
Check it out! www,turtleskingston.com
6.City’s Brush and Leaf Collection
Brush Collection Starts Sept. 27
Brush collection rolls out across the city starting the week of Sept. 27.
Go to www.CityofKingston.ca/Collection to find your collection week.
Have your brush piled loosely at curbside by 8 a.m. on the Monday of your collection week.
Stack brush – pruned bits of bushes and trees smaller than 15 cm (six inches) in diameter and shorter than 90 cm (three feet) long – with the butt ends facing the street. No root balls, please.
Brush will NOT be collected during leaf collection weeks.
Leaf Collection Starts Nov. 1
Leaf collection starts the week of Nov. 1.
Go to www.CityofKingston.ca/Collection for your collection week. Have your leaves ready for collection at curbside by 8 a.m. on the Monday of your leaf collection week.
Only leaves in paper leaf bags, or placed loosely in bushel baskets, garbage cans or other rigid-sided receptacles will be collected. Yard waste like tomato plants, and vegetable garden waste (but not brush) can be put out for collection during leaf collection week. Make sure your bags or containers do not weigh more than 20 kg (44 pounds).
Leaves in plastic bags – or in bags that look like plastic – will NOT be picked up by the City.
Compost Your Yard Waste
Leaves can be used as mulch and grass clippings may be left on the lawn to feed it over the coming months. Consider composting your yard waste: check out www.CityofKingston.ca/Composting.
Yard waste may be dropped off year-round at the Kingston Area Recycling Centre (KARC) at 196 Lappan’s Lane open Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturdays, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. or at Tomlinson Organics at 2069 Joyceville Rd. (call 613-546-0884 for their hours of operation).
7. City’s Plan to be Carbon Neutral
Received Sept 23, 2021
The City of Kingston recognizes the urgency of the climate emergency,and in close consultation with subject matter experts, community partners and residents, has drafted a Climate Leadership Plan to chart a path to achieve the City’s target of carbon neutrality by 2040.
Review the draft Climate Leadership Plan Summary Report.
The draft Plan, one of the first of its kind in Canada, combines adaptation and mitigation strategies to respond to existing climate impacts, and slow the onset of others, by reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The draft Plan includes measures to make Kingston more resilient to changing climate conditions and extreme weather.
“Across Canada, Ontario and here in Kingston, we are seeing the impacts of climate change. Flooding, extreme heat, drought, invasive plants are becoming more common and more costly to manage. Scientists are telling us it will get much worse if we do nothing.
“In Kingston, we have a good foundation for taking climate action and we have set a target to be carbon neutral by 2040—about a decade ahead of other levels of government. It’s an aggressive goal but it’s doable, with your support,” says Julie Salter-Keane, Manager of the City’s Climate Leadership Division.
Take climate action: Get Involved
Meet project team members in person: On Tues, Oct. 5 and Thurs, Oct. 7, meet City staff from the Climate Leadership Division in Springer Market Square starting at 9 a.m. Staff will answer your questions, help you complete the open questionnaire, and discuss ways the City is working to become carbon neutral.
“The past two years have shown us how essential and powerful community-wide effort is when responding to an emergency. Please, don’t sit on the sidelines. Get involved, and let’s make Kingston a leading city when it comes to responding to climate change,” says Salter-Keane.
8. Flood Facts and Sewer Backups
Received from Utilities Kingston Sept 20, 2021
Homeowners can take action to protect their properties this fall, with Utilities Kingston’s Flood Facts.
“If you have a basement, it’s at risk of flooding and sewer back-ups – even if it’s never flooded before. The risk is greater during heavy rain falls so, this fall, be aware and take steps to protect your property,” says Jim Miller, Chief Operating Officer of Utilities Kingston.
Basement flood prevention tips:
– This fall, keep eavestroughs, downspouts and catch basins clear of leaves to help rainwater run safely away from your home.
– Make sure downspouts are properly connected. In most cases, they should drain over the lawn (in accordance with the City’s Sewer Use Bylaw), at least two metres away from your house. This helps reduce basement flooding in your neighbourhood.
– Pick a rainy day to walk around your property and look for places where water is pooling or even getting into your home.
– Consider installing a sump pump system to remove excess water (make sure it drains only onto your lawn or into the storm sewer, in accordance with the City’s Sewer Use Bylaw).
– Check your sewer lateral. Homeowners own the sewer pipe from the home’s plumbing system to the property line. This sewer lateral should be regularly maintained; more frequently for older homes. Talk to a licensed plumber, who can carry out an assessment and look for issues like blockages, cracks, leaks and collapsing in your pipe.
– Installing a backwater valve on the sanitary sewer lateral may help prevent sewer back-ups, if installed, operated and maintained in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions
– The devices must be installed in accordance with manufacturer’s directions and Ontario Building Code, in an accessible location.
– Check and clean the devices frequently, following the type and frequency of maintenance, as per manufacturer recommendations. Email Utilities Kingston to receive a maintenance label to affix to your device: community@utilitieskingston.com.
– If it’s raining heavily, reduce your water use. The sewers may be filling due to the heavy rains and the device gate may close to block sewage from backing up into your home. The opposite is also true – sewage from your home may not be able to get out, either.
– More info?https://utilitieskingston.com/Wastewater/BasementFlooding/Backflow
– Talk to your insurer. Homeowners have a legal duty to make reasonable efforts to guard against damage in the event of a flood.
– Be prepared in case of a flood. Review important safety reminders and know what to do if your basement floods at www.UtilitiesKingston.com/Wastewater/BasementFlooding/Flooded
– Learn 18 Flood Facts to help protect your property at www.UtilitiesKingston.com/floodfacts.
9. New Signalized Pedestrian Crossings at Four Schools
Received from the City, Sept 21, 2021
The City of Kingston is working to improve Kingston’s walkability, create safe routes to school and better connect its active transportation network by adding new signalized pedestrian crossings at four school crossings:
Taylor Kidd at Pembridge
Bayridge at Bayridge Park
Montreal at MacCauley
Weller at Wiley
“Signalized pedestrian crossings give pedestrians the right-of-way when crossing busier roadways. Traffic along the main roadway is controlled by pedestrian-activated traffic signals, and pedestrian signals for the crosswalk indicate to pedestrians when it is safe to cross,” says Marissa Mascaro, Manager, Transportation Infrastructure.
Construction of the new pedestrian crossings started in August with the first new signal at Taylor Kidd and Pembridge activated today. Completion of all four crossing upgrades is targeted for mid-October. These locations will continue to be staffed with crossing guards following completion of the signalized improvements.
Kingston prioritizes active transportation and public transit. Advancing active transportation is part of City Council’s priority to improve walkability, roads and transportation. The City continues to review input received through public engagement on additional pedestrian crossing locations and will be reporting back to Council with recommendations on candidate locations later this year.
How do signalized pedestrian crossings work?
Push the button near the crossing to activate the pedestrian signal
Wait for the walk signal before proceeding
Pay extra close attention to vehicles that may be turning from side streets
Motorists and Cyclists:
Motorists and cyclists must yield to pedestrians crossing the main or side street before proceeding
Side streets are controlled by stop signs – only proceed if it’s safe to do so
Motorists and cyclists on the main road must follow the traffic signals
Watch this short, animated video to see how an intersection pedestrian signal works.
10. Proof of Vaccination and How to Access
Received from the City, Sept 20, 2021
To comply with Province of Ontario regulations, residents 12 and older will need to show proof they are fully COVID-19 vaccinated to enter City of Kingston recreational facilities and Kingston Grand Theatre starting Sept. 22, unless an exemption applies.
COVID-19 proof of vaccination checks will be performed in conjunction with the screening process currently in place at City facilities listed below. Upon entering, be prepared to show:
An electronic or paper copy of your COVID-19 vaccination receipt indicating you are fully vaccinated (available at https://covid19.ontariohealth.ca/)
Matching Government issued identification with name and date of birth, such as a driver’s licence, birth certificate, citizenship card, Indian status card/Indigenous membership card, passport, permanent resident card or health card.
City Facilities Requiring Proof of Full Vaccination:
All City recreation facilities, including all arenas.
Kingston Grand Theatre, currently limited to the Baby Grand.
Exemptions as per Province of Ontario regulations:
– Children under 12 years of age.
– Patrons under 18 years of age who are entering the indoor premises of a facility used for sports and recreational fitness activities solely for the purpose of actively participating in an organized sport.
The exemption relating to youth under 18 years of age actively participating in indoor organized sport applies to training, practices, games and competitions. Examples of an organized sport for which the exemption applies include: sports leagues, organized pick-up sports, dance classes, martial arts, swimming classes.
The exemption does not apply to youth who are spectators at sporting events. Nor does the exemption apply to youth who are using a gym or other area with exercise equipment or weights unless actively participating in an organized sport.
Proof of being fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and proof of identification (or proof of being entitled to another exemption) is required for patrons 18 years and older, including parents or guardians of youth actively participating in an organized sport. Proof of identification and proof of being fully vaccinated is not required for workers or volunteers, including coaches and officials.
For more details on the Province’s requirements, including exemptions, please see the New Requirement for Proof of Vaccination in Certain Settings: Frequently Asked Questions.
Users of recreational facilities will receive a refund for bookings or program registrations, if unable to meet proof of vaccination requirements. Grand Theatre ticket holders may receive a refund with advance notice if they are unable to meet proof of vaccination requirements as most ticket sales are deemed final since ticket policies are set by the organization renting the facility.
Under the provincial regulations, certain businesses, including restaurants and bars, meeting and event spaces, and facilities used for sports and fitness activities, such as gyms, will be required to check for proof of vaccination. Businesses not complying with provincial proof of vaccination regulations can be reported to KFL&A Public Health using their online reporting tool. Community partners, including City Bylaw Enforcement and Kingston Police will be working collaboratively to respond to reported concerns.
Obtaining Your Vaccine Receipt – Ontarians
Ontarians currently have access to paper/PDF receipt that includes all their clinical vaccination information. This receipt includes the user’s name, date of birth, the last 4 digits of the user’s health card, date of vaccination dose, vaccination type, and authorizing organization.
Individuals with a green photo OHIP card can also log in to the provincial portal to download or print an electronic COVID-19 vaccine receipt (PDF). Individuals will need their green photo OHIP card, date of birth, and postal code. If you have a red and white health card, please call the Provincial Vaccine Booking Line at 1-833-943-3900 to receive a copy of your vaccination receipt by email.
Those who received their first or second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine out-of-province should contact their local public health unit to record their information and receive proper documentation.
For questions about how to access vaccination record, Ontarians can contact the Provincial Vaccine Information Line at 1-888-999-6488 (for people who are deaf, hearing-impaired or speech-impaired: 1-888-797-0007). Information is available in more than 300 languages and the line is available 8am to 8pm, 7 days a week.
Obtaining Your Vaccine Receipt – Out-of-Province and International Visitors
Those who received their first or second dose of a WHO-approved COVID-19 vaccine out-of-province should contact their local public health unit to record their information and receive proper documentation.
The province will use the reopening framework to support enforcement. Warnings followed by penalties will be issued to individuals and businesses contravening these regulations. Fines will be issued for fraud and impersonation (up to $750 for individuals and higher amounts for businesses). MLTSD (Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development) and law officers will enforce these regulations.
11. Police warn Public of Business E-mail Compromise Attacks and Recent Rental Scams.
Received from The Kingstonist Sept 17, 2021 – Jessica Foley
The Kingston Police Fraud Unit is urging local businesses to be aware of a type of scam that is targeting the business community with increasing frequency: Business Email Compromise (BEC) attacks.
According to a release from Kingston Police, BEC attacks involve an individual at a business clicking an innocuous link in an email which allows malware to be deposited into their system. The malware then searches emails for invoices sent or received, sends an email that appears to be from the subcontractor or company advising that the business has changed their payment information, and requests payment to a new account number or e-transfer address.
“BEC is the use of a spoofed email address or a compromised email account to convince an individual or a business to send funds from their account to one owned or controlled by cybercriminals,” said Ash Gutheinz, Media Relations Officer – C.O.R.E. Unit for Kingston Police. “Cybercriminals perpetrating BEC are essentially social engineers who take advantage of a person’s nature to address urgent requests promptly. They also take advantage of most employees’ lack of basic security knowledge when it comes to email (i.e. recognizing a phishing attempt), how to evaluate a suspicious email’s header, or how to identify domain spoofing.”
Typically, the criminal targets a business using a phishing attack,according to police. The business’ employee receive a seemingly innocuous e-mail inviting the receiver to click on a link. Once the link is clicked, malware is surreptitiously downloaded onto the user’s computer or device, giving the culprit access to their e-mail account.
According to the release, the criminal then looks for e-mails with invoices sent to or received from other companies. The criminal then sends an e-mail to the subcontractor, either from the actual e-mail account that was compromised; or from an e-mail address created by the criminal that appears almost identical in appearance to the legitimate e-mail account. Typically they will register an e-mail domain that is the same as the one being impersonated, except that it is off by one character and not easily noticed, police said.
The company that hired the sub-contractor is then advised by the culprit – pretending to be the sub-contractor – that their business has changed their payment information; and a new account number is provided to send an Electronic Fund Transfer to; or a new e-mail address is provided to send an e-transfer to, according to the release.
In the cases seen by Kingston Police, losses are typically in the range of $10,000 to $70,000. Police said that in the United States BEC has become the costliest type of cybercrime, causing billions of dollars in economic loss.
From the cases seen so far, once the money is sent to the receiving account it is withdrawn and forwarded in ways that are difficult or impossible to track – such as through Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies, according to the release.
Police urge businesses to raise their employee’s awareness of this type of crime – particularly their accounts departments, which are the usual targets of this scam. Employees should be made aware of the following:
– Phishing attempts. Do NOT click on any links that you are not certain about.
– Any email communication advising of a change of payment process (ie. a new account that money should be sent to) should automatically trigger steps to authenticate the request, including calling the other business to confirm the changes in person; and careful examination of the e-mail address that sent the request to change payment details.
– Any request to send e-transfers to e-mail addresses that are not legitimate business email domains should be viewed as a red flag for fraud.
– Training employees to be aware of these types of scams and of the proper steps to take is essential in preventing significant losses, police said.
Proper cyber-security practices should be strictly adhered to, according to the release, including strong passwords; the re-setting of passwords on a regular basis; two-step or multi-step authentication processes; and awareness in regards to phishing attempts.
Recent Rental Scams
Received from The Kingstonist Sept 2, 2021 – Jessica Foley
Those looking to rent property in Kingston are encouraged by Kingston Police to be diligent before paying first and last month’s rent for a property listed on Kijiji or other property for rent sites.
Although this scam has been seen in Kingston before, the scammers are becoming increasingly cunning, according to a release from Kingston Police, dated Wednesday, Sept. 1, 2021.
“Scammers list the property as ‘for rent’ and solicit interested persons,” said Constable Ash Gutheinz, Media Relations Officer for Kingston Police. “Once the scammer is contacted by a prospective renter they pretend to be the actual property owner and ask for a deposit, advising that they are out of town and will send keys to the rental property once they have received the first and last month’s rent. Between $1000 and $2000 is typically requested of the potential renter. As this is a scam, no keys ever arrive by mail and once the deposit money is paid online the scammer is never heard from again.”
Recently, the Kingston Police said their Fraud Unit has received numerous rental scam reports with victims losing, at times, thousands of dollars as a result of this fraudulent scheme.
Always remember:
– Do your due diligence and attend the prospective rental property in person to ensure that it is actually for rent and view the property both inside and out
– If there is a “for rent” or “for sale” sign mounted outside, call that contact directly
– Person to person financial transactions are always the favourable way to finalize a rental or lease agreement
– Never send money in the form of bitcoin or gift cards for new rental or lease agreements
Anyone who has been defrauded of any money or has information in regards to this recent scam please contact Kingston Police at 613-549-4660. Alternatively,a report can be filled out online.
12. New Electric Ferries Arrive in Canada!
Received Sept 27 from The Kingstonist – Jessica Foley
The Amherst Islander II and Wolfe Islander IV arrived at the Port of Quebec City on Sunday, Sept 26, 2021
The first fully electric ferries to sail in North America, built by Damen Shipyards Galati, have completed their journey to Canada. The Amherst Islander II and Wolfe Islander IV arrived at the Port of Quebec City yesterday, Sept 26, 2021.
The vessels departed the Romanian shipyard on August 26, 2021, and were loaded on the semi-submersible transport vessel Super Servant 4. The boats will continue their journey to Lake Ontario, where they will represent anew generation of zero-emission large ferries, according to a release from Damen, dated Friday, Sept. 24, 2021.
Both ferries loaded on transport vessel to make the journey to Lake Ontario. Image via Damen.com.
Both ferries are equipped to be fully electric, but also have twin diesel generators installed to allow hybrid and full diesel propulsion for maximum redundancy, the shipbuilders said. Extensive upgrades have been ongoing at both ferry locations for some time to support the increased capacity and greener operation of the new ferries.
The vessels will use shore power supplied via integrated shore charging and mooring systems, according to the release, which will enable them to recharge their batteries while loading and unloading between the short crossings to and from the islands.
Both ferries are expected to enter service in the spring of 2022. Crews will undergo extensive training for the remainder of this year, and the ferries will operate in hybrid mode, using the diesel generators to supply electricity to the motors, until the infrastructure upgrades are complete, Damen stated.
Information about the Amherst Island Ferry and Docks can be found at amherstislandferrydocks.ca/ and news and updates on the Wolfe Island Ferry and dock construction can be found at www.wolfeislanddocks.ca/
13. Deep Water Dock
Several years ago we began to explore options for a deep water dock for cruise ships here in Kingston. A deep water dock is a great way to grow our local tourism industry and to attract the increasing number of cruise ships traveling through the great lakes. The pandemic put those plans on hold but with cruise lines now planning to offer trips during next year’s tourist season, it’s exciting that we’ll have a deep water dock ready to welcome ships here in 2022. The location is here at the old coal dock behind the former Rockwood Asylum and just west of Portsmouth Olympic Harbour. Once ships return to the great lakes, they won’t have to anchor offshore as they’ve had to in the past. That will make it easier for passengers to disembark, spend time in Kingston, and support our tourism and hospitality sector.
In the long-term, it would be ideal to have a deep water dock within easy walking distance of the downtown core, and City Council is still exploring options for future locations for a deep water dock. In the meantime, with this dock, we’ll be perfectly positioned to take advantage of new opportunities as the cruise ship industry recovers from the pandemic. After everything that our tourism businesses and workers have been through over the last year and a half, it’s great to see initiatives like this that will help to bring our tourism sector back stronger and bigger than ever.
14. New Development at Prison for Women
Earlier this month, the City learned details about the plan to redevelop the property here at the former Prison for Women. This property has been vacant for more than 20 years, so it’s exciting to see a new vision come forward for a development called Union Park. The plan calls for renovating the existing heritage building to convert it into condos as well as the construction of a new apartment building for seniors, a retirement home, and a hotel. There are also plans for lots of green space, connecting pathways, and a healing garden that will be developed in partnership with the Prison for Women Memorial Collective.
A project like this will require a range of different approvals from the City. It’ll need a zoning change, and also some changes to the existing heritage designations to allow for renovation of the interior of the former P4W building. Given the history and prominence of the Prison for Women building, there will be lots of public interest and lots of opportunities for input before any decisions are made by City Council. There’s a virtual open house planned for August 11th, there will be a public meeting at some point in the fall, and a chance for residents to provide their thoughts and input to myself, City Council, and the City’s planning staff. This is an exciting and important development and so it’s important that we get the details right. As Mayor, I’m very happy to see a thoughtful vision come forward to provide housing for seniors and offer a new chapter in the history of this important heritage building in Kingston.
15. Why Rails Expansion is Good for Kingston
The federal government has announced funding for VIA Rail’s new high frequency rail service in eastern Ontario and southern Quebec. This funding will enable a new rail line to be built between Toronto and Ottawa enabling faster trips between the two cities. Even though this new rail line doesn’t pass through Kingston, it’s still good news for our community. That’s because this rail line is part of a larger plan to transform rail service in eastern Ontario leading to much better scheduling and travel options to and from Kingston. Right now Kingston is an intermediate stop between Toronto, Ottawa and Montreal and that means most trains passing through Kingston arrive in the middle of the day and there are few, if any, trains that you can catch early in the morning or that arrive back later in the evening.
Under VIA Rail’s new plan, Kingston will move from being an intermediate stop to being a hub. That means that trains will start and end in Kingston and travel to Ottawa, Toronto, and Montreal. Being a hub means that trains will leave earlier in the day and arrive back later in the evening. That will allow Kingstonians to do day trips by train to the larger cities around us either for work or leisure. Getting to and from Kingston will be a lot easier and it will be an appealing alternative to taking Highway 401. It will still be a number of years before VIA’s new service is in effect but in the meantime, as Mayor, I will continue to advocate for the best possible train service and schedules for Kingston.
16. New Medical Officer of Health
Received from The Kingstonist Sept 1, 2021 – Jessica Foley
Dr. Piotr Oglaza will step into the role of Medical Officer of Health for KFL&A on Oct. 18, 2021. Image via Hastings Prince Edward Public Health.
A new Medical Officer of Health for the Kingston, Frontenac, and Lennox & Addington (KFL&A) region was announced today, Wednesday, Sept. 1, 2021. Dr. Piotr Oglaza will serve as the area’s new Medical Officer of Health starting October 18, 2021.
“The KFL&A Board of Health is very pleased to announce that Dr. Oglaza is joining KFL&A Public Health as our medical officer of health replacing Dr. Kieran Moore,” said Denis Doyle, Chair of the KFL&A Board of Health for KFL&A Public Health. “We are confident Dr. Oglaza will serve our community with the care, passion, and scientific expertise our residents have come to expect from their medical officer of health.”
According to a release from KFL&A Public Health, Dr. Oglaza is well known to the region and brings invaluable knowledge and experience in providing public health programs and services in rural communities having served the past three years as medical officer of health at Hastings Prince Edward Public Health. The agency said that his experience is diverse and extensive, and includes several years as a rural family physician in the Verona and Sharbot Lake area, as well as a public health inspector in the southeastern Ontario region. Dr. Oglaza is a public health and preventive medicine specialist.
“Throughout the selection process, it became evident that Dr. Oglaza has not only the professional skills and experience required in this challenging role, but also a strong vision focused on improving the quality of health for residents of our region,” said Linda Murray, Acting Chief Executive Officer (CEO) at KFL&A Public Health. “We look forward to his leadership at this dynamic time in public health, both locally and provincially.”
In the interim, The KFL&A Board of Health has confirmed Dr. Hugh Guan will continue as Acting Medical Officer of Health and Linda Murray as Acting CEO until Dr. Oglaza’s arrival in October 2021. Dr. Keiran Moore, left the region in June 2021 to act as the province’s Chief Medical Officer of Health
17. Kingston Partners with Kingston Indigenous for Learning Space
Received from the city Sept 8, 2021
The City of Kingston is partnering with the Kingston Indigenous Languages Nest (KILN) to support community members rebuilding their connections to culture and learning to speak Indigenous languages, including Kanyen’kéha (Mohawk), Anishinaabemowin (Ojibway) and Nêhiyawak (Cree).
“Learning our languages, through song, conversation, and land-based traditions, is an essential part of language revitalization and reclaiming our cultures,” says KILN’s Liv Rondeau.
She notes that KILN is already planning next steps to set down roots for language and land-based cultural programming out of the City-owned building at 610 Montreal St., which is close to downtown and on a Kingston Transit Express Route.
KILN’s new space is one of a number of City efforts to support Indigenous programming, cultural gatherings and ceremonies through increased access to City spaces and is not meant to be a large community gathering space, friendship or cultural centre. Community-based discussions on how to continue to build capacity and move forward toward an Indigenous-Operated Cultural Centre continue with support from the City.
“This new partnership with KILN is just one step of many on the shared path to reconciliation with Indigenous peoples. Supporting language learning, Indigenous cultural revitalization and community connections are ways we can work together to build meaningful and healing relationships,” says Mayor Bryan Paterson.
Council approved moving forward with a Service Level Agreement that will provide operational funding to KILN to support Indigenous language learning as well as the use of the building at 610 Montreal St. as a base for KILN’s programming. These agreements were part of a series of efforts related to reconciliation and consultations with Indigenous communities outlined in a Report to Council. Report Number 21-215 also includes next steps regarding the local observance of Sept. 30 as the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation and the consultation about the relocation of the statue of Sir John A. Macdonald removed from City Park earlier this year.
18. Marine Museum’s Dive Against Debris Event.
What: Scuba (Padi Aware) Clean Up + On Land Happenings for All ages
When: Sat, Oct 9: 11 am – 2 pm
Who: Partnership among Neptune & Salacia Diving, Swim Drink Fish, Sandy Pines Wildlife Ctr, and Turtle Kingston
19. Wizard of Paws: Contageous Diseases in Your Neighbourhood
Received from The Kingstonist, Sept 2, 2021 – Jessica Foley
You may have heard of recent outbreaks of kennel cough or parvovirus around town. Though I have not personally seen such an increase where I work at Kingston Veterinary Clinic, I have talked to a few colleagues around town and I’m hearing similar results. There have been a handful of parvovirus cases in the region and this seems to often happens every couple of years, predominately among puppies who are not yet vaccinated. Occasionally though, it does also happen with adult dogs.
Kennel cough or Bordetellosis, on the other hand, is a lot more complex. Without specific testing, most of the time our diagnosis is made based on the history that you, the pet owner, provides with us and the clinical signs when we examine your pet. Kennel cough is often lumped into a collection of other respiratory diseases known as a canine infectious respiratory disease complex (CIRDC). Kennel cough in itself may be fairly self-limiting in that some dogs will not be severely affected and may get better on their own, while others require medication. When a pet has a respiratory disease, it does potentially open them up to other infectious organisms that are not Bordetella.
Parvovirus and bordetellosis are highly contagious. This is one of the reasons why vaccination is so important. Dogs who are not vaccinated should not hang out with other dogs, especially if you don’t know their vaccine status. Bordetella vaccines are given either every six months or annually. Parvovirus vaccines should be given in a series of at least two or three vaccinations if your dog has never had one before, and then subsequently every three years after that. Why these intervals? This is what they are labelled for, and while immunity may potentially last longer, it is not a uniform equivalent for every dog. It’s not worth the risk of having your unvaccinated or overdue dog catch something that could potentially lead to more serious illness or even death. The only exception would be if there is a diagnosed medical condition that would make vaccination itself risky.
One thing that we are veterinarians have noted during the last 18 months is that many pets are not getting in or able to get in for their vaccines when they are due. There are a multitude of reasons for this, but the only one that we can really control is actually scheduling the appointments. For most vet clinics, the current wait time to get in for an appointment is around one month for non-urgent problems such as vaccinations. The vaccines don’t necessarily have to be given on the exact day that they are due, but you should not wait too long. For our puppies, I would not suggest not waiting more than 4 to 5 weeks between their vaccination. If you are thinking of getting a puppy, I would highly recommend contacting your vet clinic and making an appointment now for when the appropriate time to get their next vaccine will be.
Vaccines exist for a reason. Preventative care is way easier and less expensive than treating problems once they are already there. When your pet is getting their vaccines, they’re also getting a health check from a trained medical professional so we can make sure that there isn’t anything else to be concerned about, or, if there is, it can be detected early. So if you want your pet to live their best life, take the precautionary steps and embrace vaccines to keep your furry friend safe.
20. Eric Gagnon’s New Book
Now available – a new book! “Stories on the Waterfront: A Curated Collection of Memories and Photos of Kingston Harbour” – a companion volume to its sister book published last November. With 150 photos in 70 pages, join me on a tour down the streets lining our city’s waterfront in their industrial hey-day. For more infornation, please see: http://tracksidetreasure.blogspot.com/…/stories-on…
21. How Amazing Trees Are
Received Sept 17 from National Geographic
22. Rejean’s Wonderful Video of Coyotes in the Inner Harbour
The first part was shot from the Kingston rowing club, you can see St Mark’s Anglican Church in the footage. Then I went to the east side of the river to shoot the second part of the video. Also, see video comments for context.
So that’s it for the October Newsletter.
Wishing you all a wonderful October,
Mary Farrar, President,
Friends of Kingston Inner Harbour