Dear Friends of Kingston Inner Harbour,
Thanks, Councillor Jeff McLaren for the aerial view of the cooperative housing project he is working hard on (See Item #15). An amazing project offering over 248 badly needed affordable housing units. Concerns about its survival.
1. Recent Communication from Golder Consultants addressing our Concerns re Proposed Engineered Shoals in Kingston’s Inner Harbour
2. Memorial Centre Soccer Stadium Proposal Withdrawn
3. North King’s Town Secondary Plan including the Northern Wellington St. Extension?
4. Kingston’s Tariff Action Plan
5. Fighting for the Future of Rail Service in Kingston
6. Cataraqui Conservation Advising Residents re Seasonal Risks
7. Branch Out and Leaf a Lasting Impact in Kingston:
The Neighbourhood Tree Planting Program is Back!
8. Kingston Transit Fares, Service, and Amenities Coming April 2025
9. Fish Die Off at Kingston Mills
10. Mayor’s Junior Innovation Challenge
11. “Far-Fetched”: MP Gerretsen Scoffs at Building Homes in Kingston Pen,
Urges Minister to Look Elsewhere
12. Concerns about Electricity in the Inner Harbour
13. Utilities Kingston Releases Annual Water Quality and Wastewater Compliance Reports
14. Financial Concerns re the New Bridge Proposed at Division and John Counter
15. Council Votes “NO” to 248 Affordable Housing Units
16. This St. Patrick’s Day, Help Keep the Kingston Community Safe
17. The other U.S. Trade Problem That You Might Not Know About
18. Great Lakes Water Levels Dip to Low Point in Last Decade
19. Enbridge Line 5 Construction Will Not Proceed While Legal Case Continues
20. Canada Deems PFAS “Forever Chemicals” Toxic
21. Sun May Help Trigger Earthquakes, Scientists Claim
22. Interesting Crow Observations with Steve Manders
23. Great Lakes Fish and their Struggles
24. March Break with Kingston Gets Active
25. Housing Canada: A Sovereign Plan to Protect Canadians and Build a Resilient Housing System
26. Junior Birder Journal and Activity Book for Kids
27. Water Meditation
1. Recent Communication from Golder Consultants addressing our Concerns re Proposed Engineered Shoals in KIngston’s Inner Harbour
Received March 10, 2025
Good afternoon, Mary,
Thank you for sharing your comments regarding the Shoreline Shoal Design presentation and meeting. As discussed on January 23, 2025, the shoals were proposed to reduce the wave energy reaching the nearshore areas while providing additional habitat benefits. In areas of the inner harbour where erosion is more significant, we are considering the shoals as a potential option to minimize disturbing the shoreline with traditional erosion protection.
We appreciate the feedback including concerns raised on: stagnation, restricted water flow, accumulation of organic debris, zones of low oxygen concentration, higher temperatures, and overall lower volume of aquatic ecosystem, and potential gaps in the shoals that turtles could fall through. We are considering these along with input from other stakeholders.
Regarding Chemicals of Emerging Concern (CEC), there will be an updated CEC memo that will address your questions, and we will let you know when it is available on the website for download.
Vijanti on behalf of the project team
Editor’s Note: The second last paragraph does not seem hopeful.
Just who are these “other stakeholders”?
Ours were Queen’s Profs who are experts.2. Memorial Centre Soccer Stadium Proposal Withdrawn
Received from the City of Kingston, March 7, 2025
After careful thought and consideration, Victory Grounds Ventures has withdrawn its proposed project involving a soccer stadium at the Memorial Centre ahead of a Report which City Staff were expecting to present at the Council meeting of March 18.
As a result, the City will pause any further analysis of the proposal as had been requested by City Council.
This was one of the most robust engagements the City had ever been involved in, with hundreds of people taking time to come forward and share their comments about the proposal while a number of City staff members worked through the Council-directed process.
The City wishes to extend sincere appreciation to the many user groups, sports leagues, community members, and people connected to the Memorial Centre who took time to provide valued feedback during this process.
Editor’s Notes:Huge thanks are due to Annette Burfoot and Fiona Charles, Co-chairs of the Williamsville Community Association, their members, and other caring citizens, for coming together in opposition, for creating a petition signed by over 6,500 citizens, and now, for trying to get on Council’s agenda a decision to bar future takeovers of this valued community asset. Congratulations!
YourTV Interview with Scott Meyers with Annette Burfoot and Fiona Charles Co-chairs of the Williamsville Community Association: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LSICYLMNClk
Report on March 2nd Town Hall Meeting: Stadium Proposal for the Memorial Centre
Received from Mary-Louise Adams via Vicki Schmolka on Substack – vickischmolka@substack.com
On Sunday afternoon, about 100 people gathered in the hall of St. Luke’s church for a town hall meeting about the proposal to build a privately-owned soccer stadium on the Memorial Centre (MC) grounds. The standing-room-only meeting was organized by the Williamsville Community Association (WCA) and Friends of Memorial Centre Coalition (FKMC). Councillors Cinanni, Ridge, and Tozzo, who represent the three districts most affected, were in attendance.
The town hall opened with presentations by the WCA, the Kingston and District Agricultural Society, the Farmer’s Market, FKMC, and local residents, all of whom argued for the public space of the MC to stay in public hands and for the preservation of the MC’s green space for community use, especially given that Williamsville has the least amount of green space of any district in the city. More than one speaker noted that the city’s representation of the space as under-used demonstrates both a lack of knowledge of the park and a failure to acknowledge that informal (and hard to quantify) casual use is one of the defining purposes of city parks.
Annette Burfoot, co-president of WCA, talked about the massive show of community concern about the proposal. A petition asking the city to reject the proposal took only 5 days to get more than 5000 signatures (and now has almost 7000), a remarkable number for Kingston. She also said that more than 1000 people had completed a survey on the city’s website. Typically, city surveys might get 200 responses. The position of WCA is that the space should remain green, open, and public.
Mikaela Hughes, an architect who was involved in the design and planning for the revamping of the Memorial Centre in the early 2000s, talked about the fact that residents in Williamsville have had to fight for the preservation of their neighbourhood park several times in the past 20 years. She asked, “What will it take for it (the Memorial Centre) to be treated with the respect other parks take for granted?”
Emma Mortfield of the Agricultural Society said that the stadium proposal would make it impossible for the fair to continue at the MC site, given the destruction of the barns and the reduction of space on the field. She also said that Agricultural Society will be submitting to the city a legal opinion, which argues that the current agreement guaranteeing their use of the site remains strong.
Emma Barken of the farmer’s market, said that despite strong community support and assurances from the city that the market would be provided for should the stadium go ahead, vendors and organizers continue to feel vulnerable. The market, she said, has no licence agreement with the city for their occupancy. Market organizers are also wary of the effects of a stadium in light of the experiences of vendors at the farmer’s market in Ottawa. While a larger, busier Lansdowne Park stadium has increased foot traffic through the market, those visitors are not buying vegetables. At the same time regular customers often choose to stay away on game days due to the lack of parking, which, in turn, leads some vendors to cancel as well. Game days have also led to issues with public intoxication and security.
Sandra Jass of the FKMC spoke to environmental concerns, including waste, rain runoff, and the effect of the stadium on underground streams. She talked about what it would be like for regular park users to be confronted with a huge building, likely enclosed by a large fence, in the middle of their recreational space. She also drew attention to a scale model of the stadium – made by Michael Pomery of Yellow Bike Action – that shows the stadium’s (much larger) size in relation to the Memorial Centre building.
Davide Del Brocco, who lives near the park and is also very involved in the local soccer scene, presented the views of local soccer players who, while they might welcome a dome for winter play, have numerous concerns about the Memorial Centre site, not the least of which is parking. As one of the players asked, why is the city not figuring out what the community needs from the space first?
Neighbours Sue Bazeley and Jill Shefrin spoke about what the loss of the Memorial Centre would mean to people who live nearby and who use it the most. Jill Shefrin spoke to the need for green space in a very densely populated Williamsville. Sue Bazeley illustrated her comments with a series of photos that convey the park as neighbours see and use it: an expansive, open space that provides access to trees and shade and an unimpeded view of the sky. It’s a space to visit with friends, play games, learn new skills, hang out with dogs, get exercise. It’s a space that people value.
After the presentations, speaker after speaker lined up at the mic, supporting the view that the park needs to stay open, green, and public. Dog owners, people concerned with access to physical activity, people worried about neighbourhood safety, people who do not support the privatization of public land and amenities, and people who just love the park all spoke against the proposal. Speakers repeatedly said they are not against the city trying to attract a stadium or a covered dome, but that such a project would not be appropriate on the grounds of the Memorial Centre.
Marilyn Birmingham, a long-time resident, captured the feel of the room when she said how angry she was that residents are having to fight once again for their park, something those in other neighbourhoods do not have to do.
3. North King’s Town Secondary Plan including the Northern Wellington St. Extension?
Editor’s Note: I have been involved in the working group for this plan since the beginning. It was started because of opposition to the southern portion of the WSE. The southern section is dead.
The northern section is alive and well. It is now called New Road #1.
It is out-of-keeping with the agreed upon vision of a 15 minute community.
At least there will be community outreach about it in the future – probably during the next Council.
I will most likely not be involved as I am 84 and winding down my political activities. Perhaps WellingtonX could be revived? They were so wonderfully successful in opposing the southern portion.
In my considered opinion, here is what needs to happen when it comes to Council, most probably during the next Council:
1. A survey of North End businesses needs to be conducted by residents to see if those businesses think the road will benefit them in any way. Such a survey was conducted by the city some years ago and the city was surprised by the expressed lack of interest for the road. Businesses have great access to Division, Montreal, the 401, and downtown already and construction would get in the way.
2. A coming together of the community (as in the Memorial Centre debate) needs to happen along with a petition (like the Memorial Centre) where citizens object for good reasons including the following:.
i) It will be hugely expensive. Money could be spent better in other ways such as increasing the trail network based on reuse of the old railway routes – and creation of parks. Surveys show repeatedly that citizens do not object to a raise in taxes if the money is spent on parks and trails.
ii) A viable connection between Division and Montreal already exists via Hickson and Harvey.
iii) New Road #1 will basically destroy the ambiance of the K&P Trail. Although there will be a small patch of grass between the road and the trail, the trail becomes not much more than a bike lane.
iv) Modeling shows that the new road will only save a few seconds for commuters.
v) There is too much traffic currently on Division and Montreal during rush hours. The solution is to create more Park&Rides for people who live in South Frontenac but work in Kingston – along with cheaper transit and to encourage shared cars rather than single occupancy vehicles.
vi) New Road #1 is completely opposite to the vision of the area proposed in the Secondary Plan which is the 15 minute community where people can live, work, play and shop easily within a 15 minute walk from their house. This road will interfere with the concept of safe, walkable community road structure. The old-fashioned grid system that is in the southern portion of North King’s Town should be replicated in the northern section.
vii) Building Heights are too high at 20 storeys. The present proposal would not require a developer who wished to build over 15 storeys to get the approval of the Planning Committee. The reason for the heights is the cost of brownfield remediation. Has anyone considered buildings with no basements and capping to avoid such costs? Most countries in the world have houses with no basements.
viii) Accommodation for local parks is not stressed sufficiently.
ix) The 3 metre setback from Montreal St. is too little.
There are many good features in the plan and City Staff has worked hard to accommodate the vision as well as municipal by-laws and provincial requirements. I especially like the Mixed-Use designations as opposed to Industrial and the heritage sections.
4. Kingston’s Tariff Action Plan
Received from Mayor Paterson’s Kingston Community Update, March 10, 2025
Kingston faces a new challenge as the U.S. imposes tariffs on Canadian imports, impacting our economy, businesses, and workers. Key sectors like manufacturing, agriculture, and tourism are vulnerable. We’re committed to supporting our community and fighting alongside provincial and federal governments to reduce these impacts. The Kingston Tariff Action Plan includes:
1. Creating a new ‘Made-in-Canada’ procurement policy that will exclude American companies from bidding on city contracts.
2. Launching a Tariff Advisory Team to develop a community action plan with recommendations to protect workers and businesses.
3. Engaging mayors on both sides of the border to pressure U.S. officials to remove these damaging tariffs.
Kingston has faced adversity before and come out stronger. Together, we’ll protect our economy, support our community, and rise above this challenge.
5. Fighting for the Future of Rail Service in Kingston
Received from Mayor Paterson’s Kingston Community Update, March 10, 2025
As we plan for Kingston’s future, a key issue we face is ensuring reliable, convenient and affordable transportation to and from our community. Over the past eight years, I’ve been advocating VIA Rail to improve train service to major cities like Toronto, Ottawa, and Montreal. However, I’m incredibly disappointed and frustrated by last week’s announcement of a high-speed rail line from Toronto to Quebec City that entirely bypasses Kingston and offers no benefits or service improvements to our community.
Back in 2017, VIA Rail originally presented us with a proposal for the High Frequency Rail (HFR), a construction project for a new dedicated line for passenger trains that would run north of Kingston from Peterborough to Ottawa. This new train line would bring an expansion of the conventional rail service and allow for a redesign of train travel so that Kingston would become a hub for rail service in Eastern Ontario, with better service, timings and frequencies. The promise of becoming a hub for VIA Rail service led myself and the Council at the time to formally endorse VIA’s HFR project.
Now, everything has changed. Instead of the original proposal for High Frequency Rail, VIA is moving forward with a High-Speed Rail project. Not only is this new High Speed Rail project far more expensive, it also completely ignores any service improvements for Kingston, and it breaks the commitment that was made to us years ago for a rail hub in Kingston. Under the current proposal, the new high speed rail line will completely bypass Kingston – one of the busiest VIA rail stations in the country – and it offers nothing to our community in terms of better rail service. This is unacceptable, and I’m bringing a motion to Council next week to formally withdraw our support for VIA’s new High Speed Rail project. It’s time for VIA Rail to come back to the table and honour the promise they made to Kingstonians eight years ago.
6. Cataraqui Conservation Advising Residents re Seasonal Risks
Received from the Cataraqui Conservation Authority, March 4, 2025
Risks: The above average snowpack is one factor that could contribute to a heavier freshet this year. However, forecast uncertainty and other factors mean it is too early to predict the influence of the additional snowpack. The greatest factors contributing to flows will be rainfall amounts and intensities, the speed at which the snowpack melts and timing relative to rainfall events. On a positive note, many stream flows are below normal for this time of year, ahead of the approaching rain and melt.
Cataraqui Conservation is urging caution around all dams (inflow and outflow channels) and fast-flowing watercourses. Respect the hazards in these areas by obeying all warning signs, and keep away from booms, buoys and barriers. Stay well back from the water’s edge above and below dams and hydroelectric stations. Creek banks and lake shorelines may be slippery, increasing the chance of falling in.
Ice conditions will deteriorate during warmer temperatures. Cataraqui Conservation does not measure ice thickness for advising the public about ice conditions for recreational activities. Ice conditions can vary considerably from one waterbody to the next and within a single waterbody. No ice is without some risk. Visit lifesaving.org for ice safety information.
Widespread flooding is NOT expected at this time. However, the usual springtime inundation of low-lying areas can be expected. If you witness flooding and/or require assistance your first point of contact is the local municipality.
Staff will continue to monitor conditions and forecasts and will update statements as needed. This advisory will expire on March 20, 2025.
For up-to-date flooding information, please visit our flood forecasting and information page at https://cataraquiconservation.ca/pages/flood
7. Branch Out and Leaf a Lasting Impact in Kingston:
The Neighbourhood Tree Planting Program is Back!
Received from the City of Kingston, March 3, 2025
Discounted trees are being offered to Kingston property owners to enhance their property and help grow our city’s vibrant tree canopy.
“Purchasing and planting a tree has many benefits for individual property owners and Kingston as a whole,” says Troy Stubinski, Public Works Operations Manager. “Trees provide shade, store greenhouse gases, give off oxygen, help remove pollutants from groundwater and help prevent soil erosion. They do many important jobs, and all while beautifying our community and promoting wellbeing for all. Together we can grow Kingston’s tree canopy and all enjoy a greener future.”
From March 3 to 28, the City has 11 tree-mendous species up for grabs. Trees will be available on a first-come, first-served basis while supplies last. Property owners within the City can branch out and purchase up to three trees per property for $20 each (HST included). Trees purchased must be planted within the municipal boundaries of Kingston.
Orders can be placed online, by phone or in person at select City locations. Visit CityofKingston.ca/NeighbourhoodTrees for complete details. Let’s root for a greener Kingston together!
Want to know more about forestry in Kingston? Listen to the forestry episode of Tell Me More, the City’s podcast, to find out about how we are working to expand Kingston’s tree canopy.
8. Kingston Transit Fares, Service, and Amenities Coming April 2025
Received from the City, March 5, 2025
This spring, Kingston Transit will introduce several fare increases and new amenities for customers. The updated list of fares and passes, effective April 1, is available to preview on KingstonTransit.ca.
Transit fare changes were presented to City Council as part of the Fares and Charges Bylaw for the 2025 Fiscal Year and approved at its meeting on Dec. 6, 2024. Kingston Transit has not increased fares since 2020 to encourage more individuals to ride transit in the years following the COVID-19 pandemic.
Save with multi-trip and monthly passes
Kingston Transit provides several fare products that support customers by creating increased value, including the multi-ride, weekly and monthly passes. The value fare offerings can provide up to 50 per cent savings per trip (e.g., the cost of 35 trips per month using a monthly Transpass vs. cash fare).
Select fares and passes – no changes
The prices of several fares and passes remain unchanged:
- Affordable Transit Pass for Municipal Fee Assistance Program recipients.
- Canadian National Institute for the Blind (CNIB) cardholder single cash fare and annual pass.
- Children ages 14 and under continue to ride for free.
- High school students, grades 9 to 12, continue to ride for free with the use of their High School Pass.
Your transfer is getting you further
New transfer rules mean you get more value from your single fare. Transfers will now allow up to 90 minutes of unlimited travel, in any direction. This means that customers can run errands and return home on a single fare, a savings of up to $3 when paying cash.
Your transfer is automatically loaded when using a multi-ride reloadable or disposable pass. If using cash, request your transfer from your transit operator at time of payment.
New services and amenities
New services and amenities are being added to ensure frequent, reliable and accessible service:
- Expanded transit service: Service increased by 10 per cent in 2024, with additional updates planned for May and September 2025.
- Improving the customer experience
- Expanded transit customer call centre hours this spring
- Updated on-board next stop displays to keep you updated on arrival times for upcoming stops and future service alerts.
- Improving customer amenities
- More transit stations on high-traffic routes for increased comfort while waiting to board:
- Bayridge Drive and Taylor Kidd Boulevard
- Bayridge Drive and Hudson Drive
- Bayridge Drive and Conservatory Drive
- Bath Road and Queen Mary Road
- More transit stations on high-traffic routes for increased comfort while waiting to board:
Customers can preview the updated fares and passes at www.KingstonTransit.ca. If you have rides remaining on your multi-ride card, they remain valid after April 1; you will only be charged the updated fare when you reload your card.
Questions or feedback can be directed to the City’s Customer Experience team from Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at 613-546-0000 or ContactUs@CityofKingston.ca.
Editor’s Note: In attrition to these welcome changes, to decrease traffic on Division and Montreal Streets at rush hours, Park&Rides aligned with transit passes need to be put in place to incentivize people who live north of the 401 but work in Kingston’s downtown.
9. Fish Die Off at Kingston Mills
Received from Chris Hargreaves of the Kingston Field Naturalists’ Conservation Committee, March 3
“In my last report I commented that the information I’d received indicated that the fish die-off was indeed likely to be a natural phenomenon
I’ve received some more information as to how this may have happened .
Dragic Vukomanovic passed on some correspondence he had with Peter Hodson, who is a fish toxicologist from the School of Environmental Studies at Queen’s University, and interested in water quality effects on fish.
Peter did some research into the possible role of water temperature on the survival of shad in the winter. Gizzard shad are sensitive to low temperatures, primarily because they are a species endemic to the warmer waters of the southern US. They have been transplanted to colder waters of lakes in the northern part of the US to provide food for sports fish and it is also possible that some populations entered the Great Lakes on their own, migrating through canals to Lake Ontario, Lake Erie, and Lake Michigan.
In the northern US, fall and mid-winter fish kills are common, in part because shad may not have access to sufficient food, particularly in lakes with bottom waters that go anoxic in the winter. In the lakes of the Cat River system, and downstream Lake Ontario, deep bottom waters during the winter should usually be at 4 C and stable (the density of water is greatest at 4 C), but waters closer to the surface may fall to <4 C as ice forms during fall and winter months.
In shallow lakes, the entire water column may be <4 C and in the Kingston area, we have had a very dry fall, with lower water levels in Lake Ontario and likely in the Cat River system. From the many papers on the subject,temperatures < 4 C could limit feeding and may also be directly lethal because the shad are not adapted to cold.
Peter commented that the shad showing physical damage may have been swept through the turbines of the power plant at Kingston Mills if they were partially anesthetized by cold water (a common way to anaesthetize many species of fish in lab experiments). Turbine blades can cause physical damage to fish entrained in the power plant intakes, and the turbines can also exert strong negative pressures that would cause eyes to bulge or pop out and swim bladders to protrude through the mouth – not a pretty sight!
He noted that mortalities of shad likely occurs every winter to a greater or lesser extent, depending on how fast temperatures are dropping. Despite that, the lower Great Lakes seems to have an abundant supply, likely because the deeper waters at 4 C provide a refuge and the survivors are able to reproduce successfully.
Peter also described an alternate possible cause of death of shad below the dam at Kingston Mills. When water passes through a hydroelectric turbine, there are large increases in water pressure. When water levels are low, which is the case in early to mid-winter, air can be entrained into the upstream water intake, so that the discharge water below the turbines is supersaturated with atmospheric gases (Oxygen, nitrogen etc.).These gases can be toxic if, “concentrations are high enough, and the air is released from water as bubbles. For fish, this may result in bubbles forming in blood vessels and other tissues, and causing physical disruption of tissues such as the gill eyeballs, so much so that the eyes seem to ‘pop out’ of their skulls.”
Dragic thinks the second theory may be more pertinent, as all dead fish were flowing from the small pool/lake next to the hydro power station turbines, and none of them were found either in upper lake or pool next to dam. Dragic noticed that many of fish who were not yet dead tried desperately and unsuccessfully to swim upstream in the river and they looked like in shock which Peter described nicely. Dragic also commented that the water was not that cold at the time, even some lilacs were flowering at Kingston Mills, and that not a single dead gizzard shad was found anywhere else but next to the turbines.
Many thanks to Dragic and Peter Hodson for this information.
I checked with the Canadian Wildlife Health Cooperative about a posting on the South Frontenac Facebook page stating that “there are 8 confirmed reports of Avian flu in Canada Geese in Sydenham”.
The carcasses have not been tested by CWHC to confirm AI, but the circumstances do indicate AI.
There is definitely a problem with Avian Influenza in South Frontenac, but the same is true for large areas of southern Ontario this year.
Last year there was the major outbreak with 200+ dead Canda Geese at Elevator Bay.
This year there have been 200+ reports of dead Geese, Crows and raptors across southern Ontario, but not a particular extreme event like the one at Elevator Bay last year.
There is a lot of information on the CWHC website
CWHC-RCSF :: Canadian Wildlife Health Cooperative – Réseau canadien pour la santé de la faune
Including an interactive map at
https://cfia-ncr.maps.arcgis.com/apps/dashboards/89c779e98cdf492c899df23e1c38fdbc “
10. Mayor’s Junior Innovation Challenge
Received from the City of Kingston, March 3, 2025
City of Kingston and BGC South East partner to launch the Junior Mayor’s Innovation Challenge
The City is excited to partner with BGC South East to offer a junior edition of the Mayor’s Innovation Challenge this spring. This free, hands-on program for youth aged 12+ is an opportunity for them to tackle real-world community challenges in Kingston. Inspired by the Mayor’s Innovation Challenge, which has been running for eight years for post-secondary students, this youth version offers participants the chance to work in teams and go through the Engineering Design Process to develop solutions to complex problems that impact the community.
Guided by experienced engineers and educators, students will gain insight into how to drive innovation, develop products and manage projects. Participants will gain skills in critical thinking, collaboration and leadership while identifying problems, generating ideas and testing prototypes. The program also covers project management, including scoping, planning and decision-making. In the final phase, students will focus on persuasive communication and presentation skills, preparing to pitch their innovative solutions.
“I am beyond excited to expand on a project that has greatly impacted so many students and strengthened our community over the past eight years,” says Mayor Bryan Paterson. “With a focus on the younger generation, this initiative holds incredible potential to empower young minds, foster creativity, and inspire the leaders of tomorrow.”
After registration filled in just one day, BGC South East worked to add additional spots which are now available.
The program will run Mondays and Wednesdays from 3:45 – 5 p.m. beginning on March 19 and culminating on June 4 with a pitch presentation to the Mayor and other leaders and professionals. The program will be offered at BGC South East’s brand-new STEM & Robotics Centre located at 1300 Bath Rd.
“BGC South East has been a vital part of our community for decades, and with our new STEM & Robotics Centre, we are creating even more educational opportunities for children and youth,” says Scott Compeau, Director of Education & Innovation. “We are thrilled to partner with the City of Kingston to bring the Mayor’s Innovation Challenge to a younger audience—empowering the next generation with the skills, knowledge, and confidence to shape Kingston’s future and reach their full potential in an increasingly digital and innovation-driven world.”
Those wishing to register can do so by visiting the registration page at https://bgcka.recdesk.com/Community/Program
and any questions can be directed to stem@bgcsoutheast.ca. Learn more about BGC South East programming by visiting their website – https://bgcka.recdesk.com/Community/Program?category=49 or learn more about the new STEM & Robitics Centre – .
11. “Far-Fetched”: MP Gerretsen Scoffs at Building Homes in Kingston Pen, Urges Minister to Look Elsewhere
Received from the Kingstonist, Feb 28, 2025 – Bill Hutchins
Editor’s Summary: Mark Gerretson sent a letter to Jean-Yves Duclos, Minister of Public Services and Procurement Canada in disagreement with the Minister’s wish to give the property to the city for affordable housing. Mark mentioned the penitentiary’s huge historical significance as well as the income coming in from the film industry and tours.The Kingston Pen is currently Kingston’s most popular tourist attraction with 98,000 visitors in 2023 compared with 82,000 visits to Fort Henry
Full Article:‘Far-fetched’: Kingston MP scoffs at building homes in Kingston Pen, urges minister to look elsewhere
Also: We Can’t Lose This”: Local Politicians, Tourism Leaders Urge Feds to Preserve Kingston Pen as a Tourist Attraction
Received from the Kingstonist, March 5, 2025 – Bill Hutchins
Councillor Don Amos introduced a motion at Council on March 4, 2025 to save the prison from the federal government’s proposal to offer the land for affordable housing.
12. Concerns about Electricity in the Inner Harbour
Received from David Fell Feb 28, 2025
Editor’s Note: With the proposed 14 storey building in the OHIP Parking Lot, and the proposed 25 storey building at the Goodlife site, residents have expressed concerns. Although the grid is sufficient at present, concerns exist about whether the current electrical grid will be sufficient to handle both those new buildings and the increased desire of residents in the current condos for electric vehicles, heat pumps and space heaters.
Here is part of the reply we received from David Fell of Utilities Kingston
With regard to future developments and growth of demand in the area, we are definitely aware of the planning applications and you can be assured that we are working on a plan to get additional capacity to this area. We are planning to get 15kV to this area from either one of two substations MS8 or MS9. This is a normal part of the distribution system planning that we do to ensure that there is sufficient capacity for current and future demand.
If any of the existing complexes are adding upgrades to support more electric vehicle charging and/or upgrading to heat pumps and away from natural gas, then they should definitely be contacting us to confirm that their existing infrastructure has the capacity to accommodate. We would assume that the current system would support heat pumps if they are already using electric heat as they are a lot more efficient than baseboard heaters or electric furnaces. As for electric vehicle charging you would most likely need to upgrade some equipment to accommodate this. EV’s definitely have a higher electrical demand profile.
I hope this information is helpful.
Kind Regards,
David -dfell@utilitieskingston.com
Editor’s Notes:
1. Another source recommended by Lindsay Reid at the city is Dan Micallef, Engineering Technologist – dmicallef@utilitieskingston.com
2. Response from the president of the board of Frontenac Village Condo.
We already went through the process of asking the City to assess capacity with respect to EV charging and they were unhelpful. Thus, we are going to go out and commission a professional firm to do it for us and develop a longer term plan for EV charging that can be phased in over time and meets the needs for our site. We’re working on a call for proposals for this and the first draft will be discussed at our upcoming Board meeting.
J. Hugh Horton, MBA, PhD, FCIC
Professor, Queen’s University, Department of Chemistry
13. Utilities Kingston Releases Annual Water Quality and Wastewater Compliance Reports.
Received from the City, March 3, 2025
Utilities Kingston has released its 2024 annual reports on drinking water quality (utilitieskingston.com/Water/Quality/Reports) and wastewater compliance https://utilitieskingston.com/Wastewater/About/Reports
These reports provide detailed information on system performance, regulatory compliance, and the processes in place to deliver safe drinking water and treat wastewater before returning it to the environment.
“Our teams work diligently every day to deliver safe, reliable drinking water and protect local waterways through responsible wastewater treatment,” says Heather Roberts, Director, Water and Wastewater Services at Utilities Kingston. “These reports demonstrate our commitment to regulatory compliance with Ontario’s strict drinking water standards, transparency, and our dedication to serving our community.”
Utilities Kingston provides drinking water to homes and businesses across Kingston’s urban area and the village of Sydenham in South Frontenac Township. The utility also manages wastewater treatment facilities that use advanced processes to remove pollutants before safely returning treated effluent to the environment. These integrated systems play a vital role in protecting public health and maintaining local water quality.
These reports reflect Utilities Kingston’s commitment to regulatory compliance and environmental responsibility. They are prepared in accordance with Ontario’s Safe Drinking Water Act and Environmental Compliance Approvals. To learn more or view the reports, visit UtilitiesKingston.com.
Media contact: For more information contact 613-546-4291, ext. 2300. About Utilities Kingston: Utilities Kingston operates multiple utilities through a single service structure, allowing it to deliver cost savings and customer service excellence. The company is unique in Ontario, combining water, wastewater, gas, electricity, and telecommunications services in one company. Trusted by customers to deliver reliable utilities for more than 150 years, employees are proud to provide personal, responsive services. You can count on us!
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Map of Water Service Area –
14. Financial Concerns re the New Bridge Proposed at Division and John Counter
Editor’s Note: As many of you are aware, Roger Healey (Kingston Coalition for Active Transportation) and I have been advocating for a stand-alone pedestrian and cycling bridge over John Counter and the railway for at least five years to connect the southern and northern sections of the K&P Trail. Currently people get lost at that intersection. It would now appear that this stand-alone bridge will not be happening. Instead, it looks as if an expanded sidewalk/cycle path will be part of the new car bridge. Plans for an RFP for this bridge are being considered.
Several community members have suggested that it might be better for an RFP to cost both options:
Option One: coordinating the trail with the proposed new car bridge, and
Option Two: making two bridges: a smaller car bridge than that currently being considered as well as a stand-alone pedestrian and cycling bridge. A stand-alone pedestrian and cycling bridge would be much safer for high school students coming to Kingston Secondary School from Rideau Heights, as well as parents with strollers coming from Kingscourt to the Rideau Heights Community Centre.
15. Council Votes “NO” to 248 Affordable Housing Units
Received from Vicki Schmolka, March 10 – vickischmolka@substack.com
City Land to be Sold on the Open Market – Short Video Link below
At the March 4, 2025 Council meeting, Limestone City Co-operative Housing Inc. (LCCH) presented its detailed proposal for a 248-unit affordable housing building to include vertical farming and energy efficiencies. Rental costs were estimated to be 65% of the current apartment rental market, with tenants expected to contribute a few hours a month to co-op work, particularly at the vertical farm.
A short history of the LCCH:
- May 2023: LCCH incorporated
- June 2023: LCCH asked Council for start-up money and was given $50,000 to hire experts to help develop the co-op housing vertical farm concept
- February 2024: land at 900 Division Street identified as the best location for the project. LCCH was given one year to come back with a detailed proposal
- September 2024: LCCH asked Council for $2,290,000 in a forgivable line of credit to develop detailed drawings and find funding. Council said “no” having concerns about the small and inexperienced LCCH Board, the building being made of wood and including water systems for the farm, etc. Council agreed to hold 900 Division Street for LCCH until February 2025.
- March 2025: Council met to hear about LCCH’s budget and prospectus, construction plan, and opportunities to get $126 million in grant money from various granting agencies and governments. The city staff report (page 57 and on) had two options with option1 being to lease or sell 900 Division Street for $1 or more to LCCH and option 2 being to put the land on the market.
The appraised value of the property at 900 Division Street is $1.3 million.
Watch the video to hear some of the Council discussionhttps://drive.google.com/file/d/1baocLJYf0N3kvOMQc3uHMFG5uEsZECM4/view
The 8-minute video with clips of the debate highlights where Mayor Paterson and Councillors Hassan and Tozzo explain their “no” vote to option 1 (donating the land to the project) and their “yes” to Option 2 (putting the land on the market for sale).
Councillors Amos, Chaves, Cinanni, and Stephen did not comment and voted “no” to option 1 and “yes” to option 2. Councillors Boehme and Ridge were absent.
Councillors Glenn, McLaren, Oosterhof, Osanic voted “yes” to option 1 and “no” to option 2.
Articles about the Council meeting can be found om the Kingston Whig Stamdard https://www.thewhig.com/news/kingston-city-council-says-no-to-co-op-proposal-again?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email
and The KIngstonistThe Kingstonist. – https://www.kingstonist.com/?s=affordable%20housing&utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email
Editor’s Note: Personally, this seems like such a tragedy. Such an incredible, innovative concept. Such needed housing. In terms of the City’s overall budget, a 1 million dollar gift for something so extraordinary really wasn’t much to ask. Now the group will have to find another location. Here’s hoping they can!!!!! Councillor Osanic’s comments were especially poignant – but also those of Councillors Connie Glenn, Gary Oosterhof and the proponent Councillor Jeff McLaren. The final vote was 7-4 against. Voting against were Councillors Amos, Chaves, Cinanni, Hassan, Stephen and Tozzo, along with the mayor.
16. This St. Patrick’s Day, Help Keep the Kingston Community Safe
Received from the City of Kingston, Mar 10m 2025
The City of Kingston Bylaw Enforcement team, Kingston Fire & Rescue, Kingston Police and community partners are emphasizing the importance of celebrating responsibly and being aware of the risks associated with large unsanctioned parties this coming St. Patrick’s Day.
The University District Safety Initiative (UDSI) will be in effect from Friday, March 14 at 12 a.m. until Tuesday, March 18 at 12 p.m.
While the UDSI is in effect, Bylaw Officers and Police will have an increased presence in the University District and individuals who commit an identified offence under the Nuisance Party Bylaw could be issued a Part I Court Summons or an Administrative Monetary Penalty (AMP).
AMPs are authorized under section 434.1 of the Municipal Act. The AMP process means penalties under the Nuisance Party and Noise Bylaws can be issued and resolved directly through the City. Penalties include:
- Host, conduct or sponsor a nuisance party: $2,000
- Fail to comply with an order to leave premises: $500
- Use a closed highway: $500
- Noise bylaw offences – Various: $100-$200
- Fail to comply with signs (Parks): $200
“Public safety is our number one priority, so while we want people to enjoy themselves, we also want everyone to know the risks of reckless partying, and to take steps to ensure they have a plan to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day responsibly,” says Kyle Compeau, Director of Licensing & Enforcement Services at the City of Kingston. “We have been out in the University District neighbourhoods, meeting students and talking about the importance of watching out for one another, respecting neighbours and keeping roadways cleared for emergency vehicles at all times.”
17. The other U.S. trade problem that you might not know about, The Globe and Mail, March 10, 2025. Louis Martel, president and chief executive officer of Canada Steamship Lines Group, pens this op-ed and states that the United States has a long history of implementing protectionist trade policies, often realizing in hindsight that such measures ultimately hurt Americans. The latest example is the tariffs that took effect against Canada and Mexico this week. But there is another measure that has been getting less attention: the U.S. President Donald Trump administration’s proposal to impose exorbitant port fees on Chinese-built vessels that dock at American ports. It’s a shortsighted policy that is poised to have disastrous consequences on Canadian exporters and will create significant challenges to the American economy as well.
18. Great Lakes water levels dip to low point in last decade, WCMU Public Media, March 9, 2025. Great Lakes water levels have dropped down to their lowest point in the last decade. Lakes Michigan and Huron were nine inches lower and Lake Superior is six inches lower than the historical average, according to March data from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The levels are expected to rise during the spring thaw, but low water levels can cause shipping vessels to run aground, limit recreational access and increase erosion.
19. Enbridge Line 5 Construction will Not Proceed While Legal Case Continues
Received from Wellington Water Watchers, March 11, 2025
Enbridge has been trying to rebuild a 41-mile portion of their expired Line 5 pipeline upstream of the Indigenous community of Bad River.
Last week, a Wisconsin judge announced there will be no construction allowed to move forward while the legal case against Enbridge’s Line 5 continues.
This is big news in the resistance led by Indigenous land and water defenders including youth and elders from Bad River Band and Bay Mills Indians.
The legal challenge against the Line 5 rebuild is being supported by Sierra Club, the League of Women Voters of Wisconsin, 350 Wisconsin, and Clean Wisconsin, with legal support from Midwest Environmental Advocates.
20. Canada Deems PFAS “Forever Chemicals” Toxic
Received from Canada’s National Observer, March 6, 2023 = Marc Fawcett-Atkinson
Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances, commonly known as PFAS, are a class of thousands of water- and grease-repelling substances used in everything from makeup to outdoor gear and firefighting foam. Nearly indestructible, the chemicals are ubiquitous in nature and have rapidly begun accumulating in human bodies over the past several decades. Even small doses can harm the kidneys, thyroid, reproduction, nervous and immune systems and metabolism.
Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) and Health Canada concluded that PFAS should be listed as toxic because they are so persistent in the environment and pose health and environmental risks, the ministries said in a statement. Only PFAS contained in pesticides and fluoropolymers, a group of solid PFAS-based plastics, will be excluded from the designation.
In a Wednesday press briefing, officials with ECCC and Health Canada outlined their plan to reduce use of the chemicals in Canada. It will take at least two months to have the chemicals added to the Canadian Environmental Protection Act’s register of toxic chemicals.
Once the chemicals are officially listed, Canada will limit the use of PFAS in firefighting foam. Measures to reduce the use of the chemicals in consumer goods, like makeup and clothing, will come next, with consultations planned for 2027. They will be followed by rules to minimize the use of PFAS in essential items, such as medical devices, drugs, and industrial facilities.
The government has already created a nationwide water quality objective for PFAS meant to protect human health, has banned the import of fertilizers made from sewage sludge that contain high levels of PFAS, and requires companies releasing or disposing of 163 types of PFAS to report them to the National Pollutant Reporting Inventory.
Only a handful of U.S. states and France have implemented considerably more stringent rules for PFAS, putting Canada near the front of the pack on regulating the substances, said Elaine MacDonald, director of healthy communities for the environmental group Ecojustice.
Canada will designate most PFAS chemicals as toxic, but fluoropolymers likeTeflon will be excluded from the rules.
“It’s progress,” she said. “It’s a pretty tough environment right now for the government to move on these things with the tariffs, so I’m pleased to see them do this now. But I wish we could get to a final order before an election.”
Fluoropolymers, a type of PFAS which industry groups claim are less dangerous, will be exempted from the listing and subject to their own future measures, officials said. Last July, Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault said his ministry excluded fluoropolymers to protect the broader PFAS regulations from lawsuits. But in September, Canada’s National Observer found that decision was based on research completed by an expert with close ties to the PFAS industry.
PFAS contained in pesticides will also be excluded from the rules because they are regulated under different laws, despite concern from environmental groups that their use is rising across the country. Pesticides are regulated by the Pest Management Regulatory Agency, which does not make public how many pesticides are used in Canada and where they’re used, including products that contain PFAS.
A European study published last year found that the prevalence of residues from the 10 most-used PFAS-based pesticides tripled between 2011 and 2021 in European fruits and vegetables. Eight of the most common European PFAS-ticides are also approved for use in Canada; three of them were sold in volumes exceeding 10,000 kilograms of active ingredient in 2020, according to federal sales data.
“It’s a big gap that pesticides have separate legislation,” said MacDonald. “Canada could make a lot of progress [regulating PFAS] under CEPA and completely undo that through the use of PFAS-containing pesticides.”
Still, she was clear the government’s current measures marked an improvement over the status quo. Cassie Barker, director of toxics with Environmental Defense agreed, noting that the PFAS industry has spent decades lobbying against regulations.
“I’m sure that things could have moved faster if the industry had spent the past four years reformulating instead of complaining,” she said. “This ultimately is about holding the industry to account for their use of highly toxic substances in consumer products.”
21. Sun May Help Trigger Earthquakes, Scientists Claim
Received from Newsweek, Maar 4, 2025 -Ian Randall, Deputy Science Editor
Heat from the Sun may play a role in triggering quakes here on Earth—a finding that could be used to improve earthquake predictions by factoring in solar forecasts too.
This is the conclusion of an international team of researchers from Brazil and Japan, whose modeling links solar and seismic activity via the Sun’s effect on Earth’s atmosphere.
The team cautions that the effect of solar heat on earthquakes may only be minute, but such could still be a significant piece of the larger puzzle.
“It’s an exciting direction—and we hope our study sheds some light on the bigger picture of what triggers earthquakes,” said paper author and computer scientist Matheus Saldanha of the University of São Paulo, Brazil, in a statement.
Earthquakes occur as a result of the constant—but, to us, imperceptibly slow—movement of tectonic plates across the Earth’s surface, which causes stress to build up in the crust.
When this stress overcomes either the strength of the rock, creating a new fault; or overcomes the friction along existing fault planes, the ground slips—releasing waves of energy that we feel as earthquakes.
The study builds on previous research—published back in 2022—that found an association between sunspot numbers and seismic activity here on Earth.
That analysis found that the accuracy of next-day earthquake magnitude prediction could be improved by 2.6—17.9 percent when solar activity data was factored in.
In their latest study, the researchers analyzed earthquake data alongside records of both solar activity and Earth surface temperatures.
“Solar heat drives atmospheric temperature changes, which in turn can affect things like rock properties and underground water movement,” Saldanha explained.
“Such fluctuations can make rocks more brittle and prone to fracturing, for example—and changes in rainfall and snowmelt can alter the pressure of tectonic plate boundaries.
“While these factors may not be the main drivers of earthquakes, they could still be playing a role that can help to predict seismic activity.”
In fact, the team noted, when they fed details of Earth surface temperature in to their seismic modeling, such became more accurate—particularly in the case of shallow earthquakes.
“This makes sense, since heat and water mostly affect the upper layers of the Earth’s crust,” Saldanha said.
Do you have a tip on a science story that Newsweek should be covering? Do you have a question about earthquakes? Let us know via science@newsweek.com.
Saldanha, M., & Hirata, Y. (2022). Solar activity facilitates daily forecasts of large earthquakes. Chaos. https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0096150
Saldanha, M., Shiro, M., Yagi, Y., & Hirata, Y. (2025). The role of solar heat in earthquake activity. Chaos. https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0243721
22. Interesting Crow Observations with Steve Manders
23. Great Lakes Fish and their Struggles
Received from Blue Fish, March 10, 2025 – L. Gunther
In my editorial for the February 12 2025 issue of the Blue Fish Newsletter I speculated that the Great Lakes may soon be facing another round of water quality and fish health challenges. A real mixed bag of abuse and neglect that is on track to become the storm of the century. Turns out there are plenty of others who are thinking along similar lines. The bad news is contained within this March 10, 2025, Blue Fish Newsletter in the form of legal rulings, dismantling of regulations, cuts to enforcement agencies, and calls to action. But I promise the News isn’t all bad.
I had the pleasure of speaking once again with Dr. Hannah Harrison, assistant professor with the Marine Affairs Program, Dalhousie University. After nearly five years of hard work Hannah just released a documentary focussed on the Great Lakes. For those of you who are keeping track, you’re right, this is the third Great Lakes documentary in a row featured in the Blue Fish News.
Harrison’s documentary, “The Last Boat on the Lake”, covers the history, current state and future of Great Lakes commercial fishing. It’s not so much about the fish disappearing, but the shortage of people interested in getting up early to face all manner of weather conditions, put their safety at risk, and take a chance of returning to harbour with an empty boat. I’m thinking that someone who watches this film, and over 24,000 people have in the first week, may decide that their future just might include captaining or crewing a Great Lakes commercial fishing boat. The Great Lakes Fishery Commission must think so, why else would they have contributed to the film’s production, plus provide on-going funding for Dr Hannah Harrison’s Great Lakes commercial fishery research.
Previous featured Great Lakes films include “All Too Clear”, a stunning collection of underwater ROV footage showing just how extensive invasive muscles have altered Great Lakes ecosystems. This was followed by “The Fish Thief”, a “murder mystery” of sorts that reveals how scientists identified the culprit behind the decline of Great Lakes fishes, and their discovery of a treatment that made it possible for Great Lakes fish stocks to rebound to what are now extraordinary levels!
Missing now are documentaries that showcase the connection between shoreline First Nations communities and the fishes that figure in so much of their cultural celebrations and traditional foods. And what about a documentary on the importance of recreational fishing to communities and the people whose livelihoods depend on sustainable great Lake’s fish stocks. It’s this later group that the Great Lakes Fishery Commission sites as generating over 90% of the annual fishing related economic activity that adds up to $9.5 billion CAD. As it happens, I’ve accepted the assignment of writing a chapter on recreational fishing on Lake Ontario for an up-coming book to be published by the University of Toronto later this fall.
But to be honest, and this may come as no surprise to many of you, a topic that I think truly deserves the full attention of a feature documentary is how much Great Lakes fishes have endured since the last little ice age 10,000 years ago. It would seem that plenty of fishes survived quite nicely under the ice as they continue to do so each winter. I’m no ichthyologist but I’m told Sturgeon haven’t changed much at all over the past 150 million years due to their being perfectly adapted to fit within the ecosystems they inhabit.
Great Lakes fishes deserve to have their story told. We need to hear about the stressors such fishes put up with. Not so much at the hand of humans, but the machines, technologies, chemicals and pollutants that we’ve created over the past several hundred years. Things we’ve introduced into nature that have most certainly changed how ecosystems function, and often for the worse. Never mind whether numbers of fish have increased or decreased or if they are safe to eat or not, I’m talking about changes that have made life for fishes difficult in ways that leave one to conclude that they would not want to come back to this world as a fish.
Sure, life as a fish was never meant to be easy, as made evident by the sheer number of eggs that female fishes need to lay each season. Not just to ensure that their own kind are around in future to carry on the species, but to generate sufficient food to feed themselves and other aquatic, avian and terrestrial life forms.
Growing up in an ecosystem where 99.999 percent of your family and friends will not live through to old age, but more likely be consumed within the first year of their life, would not be something humans could accept. But still, there must be comfort in spending your life swimming side-by-side with others who look and behave pretty much just like you do. Even Great Lakes apex predators also often swim together for reasons that we have yet to understand. These are fishes that think nothing of swallowing alive another of their own kind 1/3 their own size.
We now know fishes are sentient in that they feel things like fear, stress, hunger, anger, etc., but it’s also obvious that humans and fishes don’t think or behave alike. Even more reason why we need to understand how Great Lakes fishes are fairing. Not only could it lead to our doing a better job at how we remove fish from the water, respectfully harvest those fishes we intend to eat, and make sure the ones we let go are healthy, I think that knowing more about past impacts and emerging threats to Great Lakes fishes would make us stronger stewards.
To be clear, It’s no longer the case that excessive fishing is taking place in the Great Lakes, or that fishing can be blamed as the leading cause of ecosystem disruption and stress . For example, aquatic invasive species introduced into the Great Lakes numbering over 185 and counting continue to profoundly change Great Lakes ecosystems. Native fishes have not only been displaced, but those that live longer than 25 years likely have difficulty recognizing their own habitat. Native plants and prey have been replaced with non-native species – many of which not only are of no value to native species but actually make their lives worse. Invasives that are more numerous, powerful or that dominate native species to the point of near extinction.
And then there are physical changes to Great Lakes fish habitat like hardened shorelines, dams, wetland and aquatic plant removal, and the introduction of all manner of garbage, sewage, pollution, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, road salt , micro plastics, heavy metals, nutrients, algae, etc. Don’t forget changes to water temperature, PH levels, dissolved oxygen, water levels, ice coverage, run-off and other issues brought about by climate change and extreme weather.
I’m looking forward in a sort of macabre way to read the soon-to-be-released Canadian watersheds reports prepared by Water Rangers due out on March 26th. The Reports are a national-scale assessment of the state of freshwater in Canada, evaluating overall watershed health, water quality, flow, benthic invertebrates, and fish. They are a call to action for all Canadians to understand and take care of our rivers and lakes. More to come on this.
Clearly, this is no time for us to seek cover and ignore what is likely to amount to be a human-made storm of epic proportions. I understand the news is all a bit depressing, and that our Blue Fish Newsletter isn’t something a person pursuing a soothing Danish Hygge experience would choose to cuddle up with. We curate links to news items and opinion pieces that aren’t conducive to dreaming about your favorite places to fish. There’s plenty of content out there designed to do just that.
Stepping up as a steward of nature has never been more integral to mitigating unwanted changes to nature. It’s about early detection and reversing harmful human caused threats to water quality and fish health. It’s relatively new territory that we humans have created and set in motion, and that we must now thoroughly document and address before the consequences of our actions become widespread.
So, finish up reading the Blue Fish News, but maybe not all at one sitting. Take time for some mental wellbeing activities. Go read a good fishing magazine, listen to a fun and informative fishing podcast, or look at some favorite fish pics on your phone. Or better yet, go fishing. Just remember to set aside some stewardship time and resources so that all the things you and I love and want to pass along to the next generation are going to be around. Living life isn’t about seeking one and avoiding the other, it’s more about balancing the “yin and yang”.
24. March Break with Kingston Gets Active
Received from Loyalist-Cataraqui District Councillor Paul Chaves March 2, 2025
Kingston Gets Active – https://kingstongetsactive.ca/
Editor’s Note: Apologies for this very late notice but I thought it worth including in case you were not familiar with the site.
The following is a list of free activities being offered at various City recreation facilities.
Activities include:
Adult Pickleball
Healthy Back Program
Leisure Swim
Parent and Tot Open Gym
Parent and Tot Skate
Family Badminton (Ages 10+)
Parent and Tot Stick and Puck
25. Housing Canada: A Sovereign Plan to Protect Canadians and Build a Resilient Housing System
Received from the Canadian Alliance to End Homelessness, Mar 12, 2025
Yesterday, the Canadian Alliance to End Homelessness came together with the Canadian Real Estate Association, Habitat for Humanity and the Canadian Housing and Renewal Association to offer solutions in a new policy document: Housing Canada: A Sovereign Plan to Protect Canadians and Build a Resilient Housing System. Together, we represent the housing sector, and we’re advocating for a cooperative national response to this new challenge. We know a safe, secure and prosperous Canada begins at home.
26. Junior Birder Journal and Activity Book for Kids
Received from Nature Canada, March 12, 2025 via Facebook
27. Water Meditation
Received from Daily OM, March 12, 2025
Because water is life, meditating with it can create a profound experience.
Our bodies are more than 50 percent water, so it makes sense that human beings have always considered water to be a sacred source of life and healing. It is literally half of who we are, and well over half of the Earth’s surface is water. Water cleanses and hydrates, contains and produces nourishment, and when we enter it, holds us in an embrace that leaves no part of us untouched. Meditating with water can be a powerful way of aligning ourselves more fully with this support system that makes life both possible and pleasurable on so many levels.
We may wish to conduct our meditation while in physical contact with a body of water, whether in the intimacy of our bathtub or the vastness of an ocean. We might float on our backs in a swimming pool or sit with just our feet submerged in a pond or creek. On the other hand, we may simply close our eyes and select a location based on our imagination. Whatever we choose, we begin by closing our eyes and listening to our breath. At the same time, we tune in to the particular music of the water we have chosen — the loud rushing of a river or waterfall, or the surreal silence of the world beneath the surface of the ocean. We might consider how the type of water we opted for reflects what we seek — the peace beneath the hectic surface of life, the cleansing power of a river racing through a canyon, or the mood lifting, melodic bubbling of a lively creek.
As we move between awareness of our breath and awareness of the water in which we find ourselves, we can release the things we no longer need or release ourselves completely into the water’s embrace. When you feel you are ready to return to more solid ground, ease your body back onto Earth. In your mind or in reality, lie flat on your back, allowing the water to bead and roll off your skin. Let it soak into the Earth and evaporate into the air, leaving you cleansed, healed, and renewed.
So on that note of peace in these troubled times, I wish you a happy spring.
Mary Farrar, President,
Friends of Kingston Inner Harbour